小学英语四年级上册Unit4 A Let’s learn教案


第1个回答  2023-02-02

  1. 知识目标:

  能够听、说、认读living room,study,bedroom,kitchen,bathroom;能通过探究掌握读音规律,并能在模拟的生活环境中相互交流有关家庭居室的情况。



  (2)能够听懂并能发出一些指令,如:Go to the living room,watch TV / …

  3. 情感、策略、文化等有关目标:







  Step 1. Warm-up

  1. Let's sing: "In the Classroom" (学生边唱边拍手)


  2. Free talk:

  T: Hello! Boys and girls! (指着教室问学生) What's this?

  Ss: This is our classroom.

  T: How many boards / windows / ... can you see?

  S: I can see two green boards / six windows / ...

  T: What can you do in the classroom?

  S1: I can wash the windows in the classroom.

  S2: I can sweep the floor in the classroom.


  T: Yeah. Our classroom is so big, so clean and so beautiful.


  Step 2. Presentation

  1. living room

  T: (课件呈现哆啦A梦) Who is he?

  Ss: He is 哆啦A梦.

  T: Is he in our classroom now?

  Ss: No.

  T: Where can you see哆啦A梦?

  S: I can see哆啦A梦in the books / pictures / TV.


  T: (学生一说出TV就问) But where is the TV?

  S1: It’s in the classroom.

  T: Maybe.

  S2: It's in the ...


  T: (课件呈现客厅) Look. It's in a living room. Read after me. /v/, /v/ living room.

  Ss: (Read it together, four by four, one by one)


  T: What can you do in a living room?

  S1: I can watch TV in a living room.

  S2: I can sweep the floor in a living room.


  T: OK. I want to watch TV now. Let's go to the living room and watch TV.

  Ss: (Say and act) (学生边说边做)


  2. study

  T: I like to watch TV. I also like computer games. Do you like computer games?

  Ss: Yes. (学生大声回答)

  T: Do you play computer games in a living room?

  S1: Yes, I do.

  Ss: Not for me. I play computer games in my "书房".

  T: Yes, we often play computer games in a "study". But we can't play too long time.


  T: Read after me. (用升、降调领读)

  Ss: (one by one)

  T: (课件呈现书房) What can you see in the study?

  S: I can see a desk / a chair / many books / ... in the study.


  T: Do you like the study? Why?

  S1: Yes. I can play computer games in the study.

  S2: I like the study. I can read story-books in the study.


  T: Yes. We all like reading books in the study. Let's go to the study. OK? (教师用夸张的语气讲述,好象真地要带学生去书房)

  Ss: OK.

  T: Go with me. Go to the study. Read a book.

  Ss: (学生起立跟着教师边说边做)


  3. bedroom

  T: (课件呈现一名学生躺在床上看书) Can we read books in bed?

  Ss: No, we can't.


  T: We can sleep in bed. Where is the bed?

  S: It's in the "bedroom". (强调发音,防止学生读成bed-room)

  T: Listen to me, please. bedroom, /dr/, /u:/, /dru:/, bedroom. (纠音)

  Ss: (Say with me. Read it together, four by four and one by one.)


  T: OK. Look! What can you see in the bedroom? (课件呈现)

  S1: ( I can see a bed / a picture / ... in the bedroom.


  T: Let's go to the bedroom and have a rest. (Sing the song "My Bedroom" In my bedroom, in my bedroom, near the table and the chair. You can see my little teddy bear sleeping in my little bed)

  S: (学生随着音乐跟唱)

  T: (唱完后) Who's in the bedroom?

  Ss: Teddy bear.


  4. kitchen

  T: (紧接着点击课件,发出碗被打碎和猫叫的声音) What happened? Who's coming?

  Ss: Cat.


  T: Where is the cat? Is it in the ...?

  S1: Is it in the living room?

  T: No, it isn't.

  S2: Is it in the bedroom / study / ...?

  T: (课件呈现小猫在厨房打碎碗的情景) Look! The cat is in the "kitchen" (升、降调) /i/ /i/ kitchen.

  Ss: (Say with me. Read it together, four by four and one by one.)


  T: The cat is hungry. I'm hungry, too. I can have some noodles in the kitchen. What about you?

  S1: I can have some chicken in the kitchen.

  S2: I can have some cake in the kitchen.

  ... (要求学生边说边做动作)


  T: We can also have a snack. Look! This is a snack. (出示实物.帮助学生理解snack)

  Ss: Wow! Yummy! (学生表现出很想吃的样子)

  T: Let's go to the kitchen. Have a snack.



  5. bathroom

  T: (教师吃完后看着自己的手说) Wow! My hand is so dirty. I can wash my hands in the "bathroom". /a:/ /ba:/, bathroom.

  Ss: (Say with me. Read it together, four by four and one by one.)


  T: (课件呈现四个不同的浴室) I have four bathrooms. Which bathroom do you like best? Why?

  S1: I like bathroom 3. It's big and clean.

  S2: I like bathroom 1. It's blue. I like blue.



  T: What can you do in the bathroom? Discuss in four.

  Ss: (学生讨论)

  T: OK. Who wants to have a try?

  S1: I can wash my hands / face / ... in the bathroom.

  T: We can also take a shower in the bathroom. Let's do.

  T: We can do different things in different rooms. Let's do.

  (Ss listen to the tape and do actions.)


  3. Step 3. Extension / Consolidation

  活动一:Guessing game: Where is he / she?

  1. T (课件): It's time to play a game. Let's play a game. OK?

  Ss: OK.

  T: (Ask one student to come to the board and do actions. where he/she is)

  T: (做刷牙状) Where is Miss Zhu?

  Ss: Miss Zhu is in the bathroom.

  T: Who wants to have a try?

  S: ...


  活动二:Find friends (Read and find out)

  T: I have five friends who are they?

  T: (课件呈现)

  Friend one: I'm big. I have a TV. I have two sofas. Who am I?

  Friend two: I'm big, too. I'm nice. I have a pink bed. I have many pictures. Who am I?

  Friend three: I' m small. I have many books. I have a white computer. I have many friends. Who am I?

  Fried four: I'm very small. I can make you clean. Who am I?

  Fried five: I'm clean. I have many apples. I have hamburgers. I can make you strong. Who am I?

  Ss: (Read together and guess what rooms they are.)


  活动三:Rent a house

  (课件呈现;Kate wants to rent a house with a bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen. Now you have a house for rent. You can introduce your house to Kate.)

  For example: I have a house for rent. Look! This is my house. A bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen. Look! This is the bathroom. It's so big and nice. This is the bedroom. You can see a lamp and a bed in it. This is the kitchen. It's so big and clean. Do you like my house?


  T: Now, discuss in your group. You Can use theses sentences:

  (课件呈现可用句型:I have ...

  Look! This is the ... It's ...

  You can see ...

  Do you like my house?

  (Ss discuss in four, then act out in class.)