

第1个回答  2022-09-01
1.倘若深情被辜负 余生尽予孤独又何妨

If deep feeling is let down the rest of life to loneliness what harm.

2.唯你最深得我意 也唯你最不识抬举

Only you the deepest I also only you the most unworthy compliment.

3.难过怎么说的清楚 失落又怎能感同身受

Sad how to say clear loss and how to feel empathy.

4.你我之间本无缘分 全靠我死撑

Between you and me this has no predestination to depend on me dead support.

5.生活有进有退 输什么也不能输了心情

Life has a retreat to lose what can not lose the mood.

6.不为往事忧 余生只愿笑

Don't bother the past to smile.

7.总不能因为杯子碎了 就不再喝水了吧

You can't stop drinking just because the glass is broken.

8.心酸纵有千百种 沉默不语最难过

Sad even if there are a thousand silence most sad.

9.不要贪恋没意义的人或事 拎着垃圾的手怎么腾得出来接礼物

Don't be greedy for meaningless people or things.



一听懂 一首歌

一个人躺在床上 眼眶一红 鼻子一酸

枕头一湿 还是忘不掉他

爱情磨人 相恋侥幸