以traffic in the city is getting worse为题,用cause-and-effect的写作?


第1个回答  2022-11-13
Rising traffic congestion is an inescapable condition in
large and growing metropolitan areas across the world,from Being to Shanghai,from
Los Angeles to Tokyo.Peak-hour traffic congestion is an inherent result of the
way modern societies operate.It stems from the widespread desires of people to
pursue certain goals that inevitably overload existing roads and transit
systems every day.
Below are some reasons that caused the worsened traffic
Traffic congestion is not primarily a problem,but rather the
solution to our basic mobility problem,which is that too many people want to
move at the same times each day.Why?Because efficient operation of both the
economy and school systems requires that people work,go to school,and even
run errands during about the same hours so they can interact with each other.
That basic requirement cannot be altered without crippling our economy and
society.The same problem exists in every major metropolitan area in the world.
Recently,there are more and more people seeking to move
during rush hours use private automotive vehicles.Because privately owned
vehicles are more fortable,faster,more private,more convenient in trip
timing,and more flexible for doing multiple tasks on one trip than almost any
form of public transit.As household ines rise around the world,more and
more people shift from slower,less expensive modes of movement to privately
owned cars and trucks.Which makes roads highly occupied.
以上是一个大学英语老师为你定制的作文.打字辛苦,,3,traffic in the city is getting worse 是effect没错吧?希望我没弄错。
假设作者身在一个大城市,比方说上海之类的,要不然从头到尾光说“the city” 还蛮狗屁的。
Throughout the last couple years, our city's traffic has gotten worse due to overpop...,0,以traffic in the city is getting worse为题,用cause-and-effect的写作方式,写一篇英语作文