
请根据以下内容要点,以学生会名义用英语写一封倡议书,召集全校师生共同行动起来保护大气环境。内容要点1最近空气污染成了我市主要的环境问题,对我们健康很有害;2为了保持城市清洁,保护我们健康,我们应做到以下几点①乘公交车或自行车代替小车或使用清洁燃料②植树造林使我们呼吸的空气更清新③根据自己想法写一点 说明字数一百左右

第1个回答  2012-07-04
望采纳 谢谢
Proposal for environmental protection
Recent years, with the rapid development of industrialization, air pollution has become the most serious environmental problem in our distinct. As a result, the polluted air harm our health every day. To keep the city clean as before, we student union advocate all the students and teachers to do the following points. Firstly, using eco-friendly transportation such as bus or bike instead of private cars. We also recommend to use green fuels. Secondly, we can plant more trees to refresh our air quality. Lastly, air-conditions can be replaced by electronic fans to reduce the release of carbon-dioxide. We hope all of us can contribute to this advocation and creat a green living condition.

Student Union