急需 人类未来在火星上生活的情况 英语作文!!!!!

大家帮帮忙啊!60字左右提示词:future,factory,work,pollution,robot,clean,amazing1 我的家乡将会在火星上,所有的人都在那里生活2 火星上将会种很多的树,工厂没有污染,机器人将会清扫街道,人们生活得更好3 10年后我想成为一名教师,在火星上的学校里工作最好加上中文解释

第1个回答  2013-12-08
Our own planet,Earth,is becoming more and more crowded and polluted.Hopefully,we
can start again and build a better world on Mars.First of all,transport should
be much better.In a very short time,space shuttles will travel at half speed of
light.Humans meed food,water and air to survive.Scientists hope to plants that
can grow on Mars.These plants will produce the food and oxygen that we
need.However,it is not certain if these plants will be able to produce water
.The gravity on Mars is only about three-eights of the gravity on Earth.Humans
on Mars would have to wear special boots to make themselves heavir.
第2个回答  2012-04-21
qeeff juhfidv iwekfjkn ujijeggggriuj hjuh8weyun dudfjv dfsdg gfr re dfgb erbedg jdjbgeth fs erth rsd f g trytr uyj qwe e tmewqjn jkbjn klllk ,l;jjk;l mjbhguihkuu hijujbgjdsyfiuewqah dsjgbvw