

第1个回答  2007-12-08
The United States educational system

The United States is the world's cause of education one of the most developed country. Back in the United States education system at the beginning to take shape its founding, after 200 years of development and gradually perfect form today's primary education, secondary education and higher education three-tier system.
More than half of American colleges and universities are private, because these universities initially mainly by the creation of the Church and other religious groups, although these schools remains the same today is inextricably linked to the church, but it is no longer dominated by the religious education . All 50 states, almost every state has at least one from the state government or local investors founded by the public universities, although the source of funding and Mody University different, but the structure and curriculum does not have much difference.

America's current main institutions of the overlapping part of Chinese gown 2002 or 2004 system, the two-year technical colleges and more for community colleges. High school and the link to a regular four-year university bridges, trained American society needs the skills and expertise, and tuition low. Formal four-year schools for the arts and sciences college major, independent professional colleges and comprehensive university, and represents the United States the highest level of scientific research and teaching, training a large number of high-level professionals. In addition to teaching in these institutions, the United States government had to undertake a large number of sophisticated research tasks.

American colleges and teacher of the strong, high academic credentials, teachers must teach in four-year colleges and universities usually must have a doctoral degree and teaching content and teaching methods adapt to professional needs. In the United States, student 18-year-old high school graduate entrance exam will be able to enter institutions of higher learning need not study, more than 60 percent of high school graduates can enter university to continue their education.

American colleges and universities Credit System. Teachers at the beginning of each semester to the layout of a large number of students reading books and materials, training and academic research in self-learning ability, on this basis, to obtain each subject 6-18 credits, in order to obtain a four-year undergraduate degree, must be in accordance with the regulations修满120 ~ 128 credits, through written examinations and graduate theses, granted only after passing places.

American colleges and universities, access to bachelor's degree after graduating from college are eligible to pursue a master's degree. Using five-degree system, namely: Associate degree, bachelor, master's, doctoral and first professional degree. The master's degree is divided into two: a graduate thesis writing must not required to write another paper, but the credits have higher requirements, but also to oral and written. Master's degree in education system for the 2001/02 school year usually, a doctorate for 2-3 years. Doctoral student experts and professors from several of the Steering Group responsible for the direction, professional examination by qualified doctoral dissertation was signed after the Office of degree.

American higher education schools through various channels to provide financial assistance to college students, such as scholarships, grants, school long-term low-interest loans, short-term loans, external long-term low-interest loans, federal work-study programs, school work and part-time workers inside and outside.

American education is the first church and private schools after public schools, it is the traditional education system and the decentralization of the system both public and private

When the founding of the United States Constitution, the federal government has no right to interfere in state education .1865 years after the end of the North-South civil war that the United States began the establishment of a central leadership the need for education.

In 1868 it established the Education Department in the Ministry of the Interior has only rarely manage federal education funding for the state's schools to provide help and advice, until 1979 to the formal establishment of the Federal Ministry of Education. States of the Board of Education and local school districts under the committee and the grass-roots school district committee were still master of education around the major policies, development plans, such as the allocation of funding power. funding for education but the federal government because of the ever growing and 1958 has several education Dafa (eg <Law on National Defense Education Act of primary and secondary education gifted Education Act; Adult Education Act;, etc.) The promulgation and implementation of the central government's education policy to gradually penetrate into state and local, to exert a strong impact on the country.

Education for All is to target and relate to each family and individual future, so education is a national event, but also state and local governments and community groups event, we regard human, material and financial resources, energy goes Education , enable the formation of a multi-track system of education, many education arouse the enthusiasm, use of the law of the market economy do "three-wide" (universal, comprehensive, full) education, this is the United States educational system is unique. than simply relying on government-funded (monorail system) operators, and is scheduled to economic laws of running a more efficient education and good results. many U.S. social groups (religious, labor unions, enterprises), and educational organizations (Education Foundation, the Association, the Research Council) the promotion of the education reform the United States has played a tremendous role, such as the Catholic Church, Carnegie, Ford, Rockefeller and other foundations, with its substantial funds and strong public opinion to promote the education of the experiment, education reform, research and the creation of new professional, the spread of advanced experiences, educational purposes and proposed policy recommendations, its influence and potential often exceeds the government departments.
American education and cultural diversity in the United States is the national policy of education, multicultural education is to enable multi-ethnic immigrants to integrate into the United States the greatest way to the main culture. "Naturalized" is used dominant culture to oppression, or mixed-level cultural eradication . "multiculturalism," which is the one country in a variety of national culture accepted as unique, independent element in the recognition on the basis of equality and complementarity.

The United States is the high level of education decision of the United States in the world's leading position in science and technology. In the view of Americans, everyone has the right to education. United States law requiring children 6-16 years of age to school. Public schools in the United States by the government tax support, students free admission; private schools and more support from the church. American schools by age group is divided into the following four categories:
1. Primary schools: 1 - 6 grade (6-12 years old)
2. Junior middle schools :7-8 grade (13-14 years old)
3. Secondary :9-12 grade (15-18 years old)
4. University (College): general for the four-year (18 years old and above), otherwise "the Institute" or "College", a university graduate students engaged in research and the establishment.

American University's existing associate degree, degree, master's degree or doctorate system, undergraduate and graduate students representing the two major categories of education four different academic standards. As associate degree just to finish 2-year junior or community colleges to prove eligibility, not pursue undergraduate necessary step, the United States is basically the degree system or three level structure. According to graduate in nature, generally consists of academic (research) degree and professional (specialist) degree two. Besides the American University also awarded honorary degrees, such degree does not reflect academic achievement, but there are outstanding contributors to the social recognition.

American University habits divided into the following three categories:
Two-year colleges, also known as junior or technical colleges, most of the public, mostly organized by the local communities, it is commonly referred to as community colleges. Community colleges offer courses on two groups: those for the transition of arts and sciences courses, equivalent to a four-year university for the first two years, students can study into four years to complete the University of continuing their education system; other for the termination of vocational and technical courses , the graduates direct employment. A degree from community colleges is associate degree. Community college admission requirements simple, open-age, is not required to pass entrance examinations; flexible study time, the whole day, half-day, weekend, evening courses in a wide range of choices, there are winter and summer vacations created holiday classes; shorter duration period, charges cheaper, and for the region need to create programs to facilitate employment, thus increasing the community's favor.

Four-year colleges, roughly be divided into two categories: one category is Academy of Arts and Sciences or text. Courses include basic humanities (language, literature, philosophy, art, music, cultural history, etc.), social and behavioral sciences (history, geography, economics, politics, sociology, anthropology, psychology, etc.) and natural sciences (mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geology, etc.) three major areas. The other is an independent specialist colleges, such as mechanical Institute, School of Architecture, College of Engineering, College of Music, Teachers College, the main provision of specialist vocational education. The above-mentioned two types of institution system generally is four years. Academy of Arts and cultural Academy of Sciences awarded to the graduates of the most common is the degree Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Science, the Academy will award professional degree.

Comprehensive University, the University of large-scale integrated, complex organizations, teacher enrichment, complete facilities, a general arts and science colleges as the core to a number of colleges, repairable degree courses in addition to the usual arts and science courses, there are engineering and technology, commercial , international issues, health, education, agriculture, home economics, architecture, communication, journalism, library science, hotel management. Most comprehensive university focus on research work, not only has advanced facilities, the strength of research institutions also provided with a transfer to the community college and teaching and research personnel as the dual mission of the Graduate School and as such, the University is also known as the Research University . In addition, many comprehensive university also operates a number of senior professional colleges, such as the Faculty of Law, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Dentistry, School of Management, and so on. Access to these professional schools study, often require a four-year university undergraduate education, the academic structure is usually 3-4 years, the high cost of a long time. Comprehensive university awarding bachelor, master's and doctoral three kinds of places.

