

第1个回答  2012-04-30
I made many mistakes,and it was the most serious.I have never undered a special condition like it.(我从未遇到过像这样的一个特殊的处境)So I don't know how to apology to you so that it can make me look sincerely.(可译为,我不知如何道歉以显示我的真诚。)I was so afraid that I can't reply to your messages or I don't hope to meet you on the way.Because I don't know how to face to you again.楼主貌似遇到困难了阿,希望那个人能谅解你
第2个回答  2012-04-30
I have made many mistakes before, however, this time was the most serious and unforgivable one.[我犯过很多错误,但是这个错误是最严重的].
I have never ever been to a situation like now, so I have got no clu that how an apology does not seem to be hypocritical.[我从来没有到过这个处境,所以我不知道如何道歉显得不虚伪].
I was afraid to encounter you when i was walking on the street, neither dare to reply your message. That's all because I don't know how to face you any more[走在路上也害怕遇到你,也不敢回复你给我的留言,这只是因为我不知道如何再面对你].本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2012-04-30
I have made many misrakes, but this one is quite serious. I have never been in such an unfavourable situation. So I just don't know how to apologize to you sinderely , I am afriad that I will encounter you, when I wak in the steets. It is difucult for me to answer your messsage, as I don't have enough courage .All of these are due to the reason for which I don't how to face you.
第4个回答  2012-04-30
I had made many mistakes before, but this time was the most serious. I have never been in such a dilemma that I don't know how to apology to you and you can feel my sincerity. I have a fear that I may meet you in the street accidentally and I have no courage to reply to your message. All in all, I dare not face you.
第5个回答  2012-04-30
so, frankly, your fucking guilty alright?