
地点:“海洋航行者号”游轮二层会议厅(加勒比厅 欧洲厅)
PS:我的邮箱是[email protected]

第1个回答  2012-07-19
To sail a boat in the vast ocean –Han Qidong’s calligraphy and painting exhibition
Time & date:
Place: The Voyager of the Seas cruise
conference hall on the 2nd floor (the Caribbean hall or the Europe hall)
Host: Chinese Culture Promotion Society(英文缩写CCPS)Jiangsu Province
China International Travel Service Corporation Limited
Jiangsu international travel service·
Undertaker: Royal Caribbean International The Voyager of the Seas·
China Gu Kaizhi’s Painting Academy·
General arranger:

Mr Han Qidong, fond of calligraphy and painting from a very young age is extremely talented. He graduated from China Academy of Art, majoring in characters of the Chinese painting.
His works covers a large area including scenery, flower and birds and charaters.
Due to his deep love in calligraphy, he mastered in all the types including regularscript, running script, clerical script and sealcharacter, with running script being his favourite.
Mr Han’s hard practice days and nights through the years had gained him the exquisite skills and remarkable achievements in this field.
His work had won several prizes on national exhibitions, many being purchased and stored by collectors and organizations home and abroad.
Now he works as the vicechaieman of the Gu Kaizh Seminar in China. He is also the president of Gu Kaizhi painting academy in China.He lives in Bejing all the year round.

海洋航行者号 The Voyager of the Seas
加勒比国际游轮公司Royal Caribbean International 【均查自chinadaily】
中华文化促进会 Chinese Culture Promotion Society(英文缩写CCPS)【查自互动百科】本回答被提问者采纳
第2个回答  2012-07-19
<" put the quant in the sea " exhibition of Han Qidong's painting and calligraphy>
Location: "the Ocean Voyager" cruise conference hall on the second floor(Caribbean hall Europe Hall)
Sponsor: Association for the Advancement of Chinese Culture in Jiangsu Province
China International Travel Service Jiangsu Province Branch
Host: Caribbean International Cruise Company "Ocean Voyager voyager"
"GU Kaizhi" painting academy in China
Potter: XXX
Person in charge: XXX
Han Qidong was crazy about painting and calligraphy when he was young, and he had a great talent for it.
Mr.Han was graduated from the China Academy of Art, and the major is chinese painting of people.
His paintings includes moutains and lakes, birds and flowers, people and characters.
He especially likes calligraphy, and he is good at running hand, official script, seal character and so on.
He loves running hand very much.
His calligraphy has reached a high degree of excellence by days and mounths multiplying, so he reached great achievements on it.
Mr.Han receive lots of awards in the international exhibition, His works are widely purchased and collected by domestic and overseas institutions and collectors.
Now he works as the vice president of the "Gu Kaizhi" Seminar in China,and president of "GU Kaizhi" painting academy in China.
He lives in Bejing all the year round.
第3个回答  2012-07-19


第4个回答  2012-07-19

