A Lift Control Simulator Program in CThe lift system consists of Lift A and Lift B, as can be seen from Fig.1. Note that each floorhas two pushbuttons (Up or Down) from Leven 2 to 4, but only one “Up” button at level 1and one “Down” button at level five. The passenger can use an internal control panel (Fig.2)to choose the destination floor. There are display boards provided at each level and insidethe lift car to show the lift movement.1.) Study the lift control problem and design control logic using pseudo code or flowchart.2.) Write a C program to simulate the lift control system. Typical states of the lift system aredoor open, door closed, car down, car going up, etc. The program should use computermemory to store the known parameters. It should include control logic to response tothe user’s requests. Proper user interfaces must be provided to allow the passengers tospecify their destination floors (Fig.3). The simulator should animate the lift systemmovements to illustrate control logic implementation.3.) You need to present both control logic design and simulation program at end of theproject.