

第1个回答  2018-10-27
[méi gui]
[植] rugosa rose; rosa rugosa; rose; hep ;


People have been passionate about roses since the beginning of time. In fact,
it is said that the floors of Cleopatra1’s palace were carpeted with delicate
rose petals, and that the wise and knowing Confucius had a 600-book library
specifically on how to care for roses.  


The rose is a legend on its own. The story goes that during the Roman Empire, there
was an incredibly beautiful maiden named Rhodanthe. Her beauty drew many zealous
suitors who pursued her relentlessly. Exhausted by their pursuit, Rhodanthe was
forced to take refuge from her suitors in the temple of her friend Diana.
Unfortunately, Diana became jealous. And when the suitors broke down her temple
gates to get near their beloved Rhodanthe, she became angry turning Rhodanthe
into a rose and her suitors into thorns. 

In Greek legend, the rose was created by Chloris, the Greek goddess of flowers. It
was just a lifeless seed of a nymph2 that Chloris found one day in a clearing in
the woods. She asked the help of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, who gave her
beauty Dionysus, the god of wine, added nectar3 to give her a sweet scent, and
the three Graces4 gave her charm, brightness and joy. Then Zephyr, the West
Wind, blew away the clouds so that Apollo, the sun god, could shine and made
this flower bloom. And so the Rose was born and was immediately crowned the
Queen of Flowers.  

The first true primary red rose seen in Europe was “Slater’s Crimson China”
introduced in 1792 from China, where it had been growing wild in the mountains.
Immediately, rose breeders began using it to hybridize5 red roses for
cultivation. Ever since, the quest for the perfect red rose has been the Holy
Grail6 of rosarians: a fragrant, disease-resistant, long-lasting, long-stemmed,
reblooming, perfectly formed rose with a clear non-fading vivid red color.
Absolute perfection still hasn’t been attained, and of course never will!  欧洲见到的第一枝真正的原色红玫瑰叫做“斯莱特中国深红”,于1792年从中国引进。当时,它一直生长在中国山区的野地里。玫瑰培育者马上开始用它进行杂交种植。从此,寻求完美的红玫瑰一直是玫瑰栽培者所追求的理想。这种玫瑰应具有芳香的气味、抵御疾病的能力、持久的花期、修长的花茎、反复开花的本领、优美的体态以及不褪色的纯鲜红颜色。然而,绝对的完美却始终未达到,当然也永远无法达到!

There is a special rose language invented as a secret means of communication between
lovers who were not allowed to express their love for one another openly. In the
mid 18th century the wife of the British ambassador in Constantinople described
this in her letters, which were published after her death. These letters
inspired many books on the language of flowers, each describing the secret
message hidden in each flower. A red rose bud stands for budding desire an open
white rose asks “Will you love me﹖” An open red rose means “I’m full of love and
desire,” while an open yellow rose asks “Don’t you love me any more﹖”  