请帮我把下面这几句话翻译成英文,谢谢你!拜托各位了 3Q

心灵独白 关上门,关了灯,没有窗户的小出租屋里一片昏暗,外面的雨渐停,闭上眼,感受着电风扇吹过来的感觉,回望这已逝去的二十一年,发觉全是蹉跎日月,想了很久,我告诉自己,我不能再随波逐流了,我打算从今开始,晚睡早起多努力,多读书。好好的做一个人。认真过每一天。努力向上。之所以这两三年每天都过的这么不快乐,是因为我觉得像我这么大的人了,长的也不难看,而且人品又好,竟然没谈过一次恋爱,连女孩子的手都没拉过。我想通了,我的爱还没来到,我相信我以后会遇到我爱的和爱我的女人。错过的终究错过了。不要再悲哀了。在这里我想向一个善良的美丽的女孩表达我的歉意,QQ里的那篇日志伤害了你,那是我强加给你的伤害。你是无辜的,是我太不懂事了,我太自私了,太轻狂了,在这里我衷心的对你讲一句:善良的女孩!对不起!祝你愉快! 过去我说了许多自己编的假话,废话。在最后,我希望自己以后休再轻狂,多读书,多思考,认真做人。

Mind monologue closes the gate, has turned off the lamp, does not have in window's small hiring room dim, the outside rain gradually to stop, closes one's eyes, is feeling the feeling which the electric fan blows, returns to looks at this already 21 years which elapses, detected that all was fritters away one's time, had thought was very long, I told myself, I could not drift with the current again, I will plan to start from now on, late rested gets up early the multi-endeavors, studied. Well is a person. Earnest each day. Diligently upward. The reason that this 2-3 years cross every day are not such joyful, are because I thought that looked like I such big person, long was not ugly, moreover the moral behavior was also good, had not discussed unexpectedly a love, has not pulled including girl's hand. I have thought through, my love has not arrived, I believed that I later will run into me to love and to love me the woman. Missed misses eventually. Should not be again sorrowful. Wanted to express my apology in here me to a good beautiful girl, in QQ that diary has injured you, that was I imposes on yours injury. You are innocent, is I is not too sensible, I have been too selfish, too frivolous, heartfelt speaks one in here me to you: Good girl! Sorry! Wishes you to be happy! passed I to say many arranged lie, idle talk. In finally, I hoped oneself later will rest again frivolous, will study, multi-ponders, earnest personhood.
第1个回答  2014-07-16
Heart monologue Shut the door, the lights are off, no Windows small house lease, the rain outside a dim gradually stop, closed her eyes and feel a sense of fan come back at this already dead, that is all waste twenty-one sun, thought for a long time, I told myself that I can't ride, and I'm going to sleep early and late start from hard to read more books. Good do a person. Take each day. Diligently upwardly. 3 this day have not happy, because I'm so that be like me so great man, long also not ugly, and personality and good, never talked to a love, even didn't pull a girl's hand. I think, my love is yet to come, I believe I can meet my love and the woman I love. Miss all missed. Don't mourn. Here I want to a kind of beautiful girls express my apologies, QQ in the diary hurt you, it is I impose your damage. You are innocent, I was too sensible, I too selfish, too flighty, here I sincerely to tell you: good girl! Sorry! Wish you happy! I used to say a lot of false words, nonsense himself. In the end, I hope to more than frivolous, after reading, thinking, serious person. 谢谢采纳