
1.文科生 2.四渡赤水 3.赤水不仅是一个革命胜地,而且还是美丽的风景之城.4.桫椤是爬行动物时代的标志,是珍稀植物.5.坐着竹筏欣赏沿岸的风景 6.在竹林中 7.抛开一切烦恼,感受鸟语花香 8.站在瀑布旁,迎面吹来的风让你倍感凉爽 9.很多小吃,用糯米做的 10.把它比喻成心灵的圣地,人间的天堂,我为它感到自豪 11.慢慢适应 12.口味很重
还有:13. 我觉得傍晚的赤水最美,夕阳中的赤水笼罩着一层淡淡的晕黄,温暖、和祥,赤水河更显宁静,你可以边喝着盖碗茶边欣赏晚霞. 14.留恋往返 15.竹林成海, 丹崖

第1个回答  2008-11-30
1.arts student(文科是arts subject,理科是science subject)
2.cross the Red River for four times
3.The Red River is not only a relic of revolutions, but also a beautiful resort with agreeable scenery.
4.Spinulose tree fern is an precious plant, as a sign of creeping animals.
5.sitting on a boat made of bamboo and enjoying the scenery alongside
6.in the bamboo forest
7.rid all the annoying troubles just to enjoy the song of birds as well as the fragrance of blossoms
8.Standing by the waterfall, the wind blowing towards your face brings you cool feel and relief.
9.many snacks made by glutinous rice
10.Comparing it to a sacred place of spirits and paradise on earth, I am very proud of it.
11.get accustomed gradually
12.a heavy taste
13.I consider the Red River at dusk is the most attractive, for it is surrounded with a slight soft yellow light, warm and peaceful. With this hush, you could enjoy a cup of tea and admire the terrific sunset by the river.
14.almost forget to leave for having too much fun
15.an ocean of the bamboo forest, the Red Cliff
第2个回答  2008-11-29
1. Arts
2. Siduchishui
3. Chishui is not only a place of revolution, but also a magnificent view of the city of .
4. Cyatheaceae reptile is a sign of the times, is a rare plant .
5. Bamboo sitting along the coast to enjoy the scenery
6. Bamboo forest in China
7. To put aside all worries, the feelings of Jade
8. Standing next to the waterfall, in the face of the winds blowing to let you feel cool
9. A lot of snacks, so the sticky rice with
10. Likened it to heart the Holy Land, A paradise on earth, I take pride in it for 11. Gradually adapt to
12. Heavy taste本回答被提问者采纳