

第1个回答  2011-06-27
我的回答…… 呃…… 确实有点混乱…… 因为我看过好几个版本…… 结果都不一样……

第一幕 王子齐格弗里德(Зигфрид)在生日前夕,其母亲告诉他,已成年的齐格弗里德要在第二天选一位新娘。而到了晚上,王子去天鹅湖捕猎天鹅。   
第二幕 齐格弗里德遇上被罗特巴特(Ротбарт)施咒的公主奥杰塔(Одета)。她白天是天鹅,晚上却会化成一位少女。只有当某位男子真诚地爱上她时,她才能得救。齐格弗里德邀请她第二天晚上来参加舞会,并会向母亲表示,愿意娶奥杰塔为妻。   
第三幕 各国的公主和使节都来出席齐格弗里德的生日宴会。罗特巴特也带着他的女儿奥吉莉亚(Одилия)来了。奥吉莉亚显示的是奥杰塔的形象,只是身着黑装。齐格弗里德被迷惑并与她缔结了婚约。当齐格弗里德意识到这一切的时候,大为震惊,并立即赶往天鹅湖。   
第四幕 王子请求奥杰塔的宽恕,而奥杰塔也原谅了他。这时罗特巴特用魔法卷起大浪,要淹死齐格弗里德。奥杰塔为了救他纵身跃入湖内。


Act I The Courtyard of the Castle

To celebrate the Prince's birthday the townsfolk and children of the village arrive at the castle with garlands of flowers. Acrobats and jugglers prepare to entertain the guests. The tutor announces Prince Siegfried's arrival and the ladies and gentlemen of the court dance for the Prince.

The Queen arrives at the celebrations and gives her son a magnificent crossbow for his birthday. Taking him aside she tells him that as he has now come of age, he must consider marriage. When the Queen departs the celebrations continue. The tutor decides to entertain the Prince and he dances with a young peasant girl.

The celebrations come to an end and Prince Siegfried is left alone with his thoughts. He sees a flock of swans flying overhead and armed with his new crossbow he sets out to hunt in the forest.


Act II The Lakeside

Rothbart, the evil magician, half man, half bird, appears from beneath the lake. The Prince arrives and sees a flock of beautiful swans - they are girls that have been transformed into swans by the wicked magician. Odette, Queen of the Swans appears. Siegfried is captivated by her beauty and Odette begins to trust the Prince.

Rothbart reappears and the Swans are scattered. Odette flees and Siegfried chases her into the night.

Summoning all his powers Rothbart commands every Swan he rules to appear by the lake. The lakeside is suddenly filled with swan maidens. Siegfried returns to the lake in search of Odette where he swears to be faithful to her for the rest of his life. Rothbart returns and pulls Odette away from his embrace leaving the Prince alone by the lakeside.

Act III The Great Hall of the Castle

A formal celebration is taking place in honour of Prince Siegfried's birthday. Dancers arrive from many countries to join the festivities.

The Queen commands her son to select a bride from the princesses who are presented to him. He remains preoccupied and aloof because he intends to marry Odette, although at his mother's request he dances with the princesses.
With a flourish of trumpets Rothbart arrives with his daughter, Odile. Rothbart has cast a spell to make Odile appear like Odette.

After a display of national dances Odile and Siegfried dance together. Convinced that Odile is his bride to be, he fails to see Odette pleading with him to remain faithful to her. Rothbart is jubilant and he insists that Siegfred swears to be faithful to Odile. Siegfried declares his love to Odile and tells the court he intends to marry her.

Rothbart summons Odette to show Siegfried that he has betrayed her for Odile. Triumphant in their victory Odile and Rothbart leave. In desperation, Siegfried returns to the lake to beg for Odette's forgiveness, leaving the Queen and the court in chaos and despair.


Act IV The Lakeside

Knowing that she has been betrayed, Odette returns to her companions gathered at the lake's shore. Siegfried arrives at the lakeside to beg for Odette's forgiveness, which she grants.

Rothbart arrives and reminds Siegfried of his earlier promise. A fight ensues. Rothbart's evil spell is broken by the power of Siegfried and Odette's love for each other. Rothbart is destroyed by the Swans who are released from their enslavement. As the dawn of a new day rises, Siegfried and Odette are united in eternal love.

Act I, Scene 1:
Prince Siegfried and his friends are celebrating his 21st
birthday in the palace gardens when his mother,
the Queen, arrives to present her son with a crossbow as a gift. The Queen reminds Siegfried of his
duty to choose a bride and plan for marriage, but he replies that there is no one with whom he is in love.
The Prince’s mother and friends leave him in a melancholy mood. He is heartened when a flock of
swans flies overhead, and he gives chase.

Act I, Scene 2:
Siegfried is hunting in the forest when he encounters Von Rothbart, an evil sorcerer who is the ruler of
this enchanted place. Frightened, Siegfried prepares to shoot when Odette, Queen of the Swans,
arrives in time to come between him and Von Rothbart. Odette explains how Von Rothbart has
transformed her and her friends into swans, except between the hours of midnight and dawn when they
resume their human forms. The only way to break this evil spell is if a man promises to marry her and
never love another. Siegfried swears his faithfulness. After affirming their love, Odette and Siegfried are
interrupted by Von Rothbart. It is dawn and Odette and her friends fall under the spell of the wicked
sorcerer, leaving Siegfried alone in the forest.

Act II, Scene 1:
The Queen has arranged a ball in honor of her son in the hopes that he will choose a bride from among
the royal guests. After dancing with several prospective brides, Siegfried tells his mother he will not
marry any of them since he loves only Odette. Von Rothbart arrives with his daughter, Odile, whom he
has transformed into the likeness of Odette. Rothbart hopes to trick Siegfried into promising to marry
Odile, thereby keeping his spell on Odette unbroken. The guests from foreign lands dance a Spanish
dance, a Hungarian czardas, a lively Neapolitan dance and a Polish mazurka. While dancing with Odile,
Siegfried is enchanted by Von Rothbart’s creation. As Siegfried swears eternal love to Odile, a vision of
Odette appears, but it is too late. The Prince’s oath is Von Rothbart’s triumph, and the scene ends with
Siegfried tormented by the agony of guilt.

Act II, Scene 2:
In despair, Odette arrives at the lakeside to tell her friends of Siegfried’s betrayal. Siegfried finds Odette
among the swans and begs her forgiveness. Although Odette forgives Siegfried, she realizes that their
love is doomed. Von Rothbart gathers a storm in hopes to separate the lovers, but Odette breaks away
in passion to leap into Siegfried’s arms for one last embrace. Torn between her love for Siegfried and
the power of Von Rothbart, Odette ultimately loses all strength and succumbs to the powers of evil.
Faced with the reality that Odette will forever remain a swan, Siegfried collapses, brokenhearted.

看不懂没关系…… 本来几个版本就是只有结局不一样…… 如果你勤快的话可以用谷歌翻译试一下,知道大意就行了……