Email常用语英文邮件开场白怎么写 - EssayV


第1个回答  2022-06-17
留学生必备技能 写英文邮件; 你是不是英文口语还不错, 跟同学导师交流都可以很顺畅, 但是一到写正式邮件就达咩达咩.

EssayV美国论文网本期分享超实用的英文Email模板句, 商务/求职/工作/留学都适用哦~


Openning Greetings 开篇礼貌问候

Writing Purpose写信目的

Replying to an email 回复他人邮件

Apologizing 表达歉意


🥐Openning Greetings 开篇礼貌问候

I hope you had a good weekend. 我希望你有一个美好的周末

I hope you had a great trip. 希望你有一个美好的旅行

Hope you had a nice break. 希望你有一个愉快的休息

I hope you are well. 希望你一切安好

I hope all is well. 希望你一切都好

Hope you're enjoying your holiday. 希望你享受你的假期

I hope this email finds you well. 我希望这封邮件能让你感觉良好

I hope you enjoyed the event. 我希望你喜欢这个活动

It was great to see you on Thursday. 很高兴在星期四见到你

It was a pleasure to meet you yesterday. 很高兴在昨天见到你


🧇Writing Purpose写信目的

I am writing to you about our last meeting/your presentation yesterday/our next event. 我写信给你, 是关于我们上次的会议/你昨天的演讲/我们的下一次活动

I am writing to you with regards to/regarding/concerning/in connection with... 我写信给你, 是关于/涉及/有关/与...有关

I am writing to ask/enquire/let you know/confirm/check/invite you to/to update you on/ask for a favor... 我写信给你是想问/询问/让你知道/确认/检查/邀请你/向你提供最新情况/请你帮个忙...

I am writing you to follow up on... 我写信给你是为了跟进...

I am contacting you to inform... 我联系你是为了通知你...

I am reaching out because... 我联系你是因为...

This is just a quick note to... 这只是一个简短的说明, 以...

This is just a quick reminder... 这只是一个简单的提醒...

I wanted to let you know that... 我想让你知道...

Might I take a moment of your time to... (very formal) 我可以占用你一点时间来...(非常正式)

It's [Your Name] from [Your Company]. 我是[你的名字], 来自[你的公司]

This email is just to let you know that… 这封邮件是为了让你知道...


🧀Replying to an email 回复他人邮件

I just got your request for... 我刚刚收到你的请求, 关于...

I just read your email about... 我刚刚读了你的邮件, 关于...

As we discussed, I would like to send you... 正如我们所讨论的, 我想向你发送...

Thank you for your email about... 谢谢你的电子邮件, 关于...

Thanks for your email this morning/yesterday/on Wednesday/last month... 谢谢你今天早上/昨天/星期三/上个月的电子邮件...

Thanks for sending/asking about/attending 谢谢你发送/询问/出席会议

Thanks for your quick reply. 谢谢你的快速回复

Thanks for getting back to me so quickly. 谢谢你这么快就给我答复

Thank you for reaching out (to me) 谢谢你(向我)伸出援手


🥨Apologizing 表达歉意

Sorry for my late reply. 对不起, 我的答复太晚了

Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. 对不起, 花了这么长时间才给你回信

I apologize for the late response. 很抱歉, 我的回复太晚了

Sorry it’s been so long since my last email. 很抱歉距离我上一封邮件已经过了这么长时间

I was sorry to hear about... 我很遗憾听到...

Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused. 如果给您造成任何不便, 请接收我们的道歉