

第1个回答  2022-11-11
英语幽默:Second language A mother mouse was out for a stroll with her babies when she spotted a cat crouched behind a bush. She watched the cat, and the cat watched the mice. Mother mouse barked fiercely, "Woof, woof, woof!" The cat was so terrified that it ran for it's life. Mother mouse turned to her babies and said, "Now, do you understand the value of a second language?" 一只母老鼠带着孩子出来散步,突然她看见一只猫正在灌木丛中虎视耽耽。 母老鼠向着猫叫道:“汪,汪,汪”,猫听了非常害怕,拼命跑走了。 母老鼠回过头洋洋自得的对孩子说:“现在你知道外语的重要性了吧。” Catch a cold 得感冒 During the fight, the boxer swiped the air furiously, but could not hit his opponent. "How am I doing?" he asked the coach at the end of the round. "Well, if you keep this up," replied the coach, "he might feel the wind and catch a cold."
