
The name "United Nations", coined by United States President Franklin D. Roosevelt, was first used in the "Declaration by United Nations" of 1 January 1942, during the Second World War, when representatives of 26 nations pledged their Governments to continue fighting together against the Axis Powers.
States first established international organizations to cooperate on specific matters. The International Telecommunication Union was founded in 1865 as the International Telegraph Union, and the Universal Postal Union was established in 1874. Both are now United Nations specialized agencies.

In 1899, the International Peace Conference was held in The Hague to elaborate instruments for settling crises peacefully, preventing wars and codifying rules of warfare. It adopted the Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International Disputes and established the Permanent Court of Arbitration, which began work in 1902.

The forerunner of the United Nations was the League of Nations, an organization conceived in similar circumstances during the first World War, and established in 1919 under the Treaty of Versailles "to promote international cooperation and to achieve peace and security." The International Labour Organization was also created under the Treaty of Versailles as an affiliated agency of the League. The League of Nations ceased its activities after failing to prevent the Second World War.

In 1945, representatives of 50 countries met in San Francisco at the United Nations Conference on International Organization to draw up the United Nations Charter. Those delegates deliberated on the basis of proposals worked out by the representatives of China, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom and the United States at Dumbarton Oaks, United States in August-October 1944. The Charter was signed on 26 June 1945 by the representatives of the 50 countries. Poland, which was not represented at the Conference, signed it later and became one of the original 51 Member States.

The United Nations officially came into existence on 24 October 1945, when the Charter had been ratified by China, France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, the United States and by a majority of other signatories. United Nations Day is celebrated on 24 October each year.

第1个回答  2009-12-21
名字联合国经过美国总统富兰克林 D 铸造。Roosevelt 被1942年1月1日的联合国在声明中在第二次世界大战期间首先使用,当26个国家的代表保证他们的政府继续和轴的力量斗争一起的时候。


国际和会was进入对海牙有1899精心制作和平镇定危机,阻碍战争和将战争的规定整编成法规的工具. 它为国际争端的太平洋的解决收养大会和把开始工作的常设仲裁法庭仲裁安置在1902.


在1945年,50个国家的代表在旧金山Francisco在开过来国际组织上联合国宪章联合国会议方面相遇. 那些代表基于,被中国的代表,苏联,联合王国和美国估计建议为敦巴顿橡树园,八月-1944年10月美国在朝派仔细考虑. 特许证was经过50个国家的代表签合同1945年6月26日.未被在Conference代表的波兰以后签署它和到原来51个成员国之一.

第2个回答  2009-12-21