
模具是工业生产中使用非常广泛的重要设备,是电子、轻工、国防、机械等生产的主要基础。用模具来生产零部件,则具有节材、高效、保证质量、成本低等一系列的优点,它是当代工业生产的工艺发展方向和主要手段。许多生产水平的提高和现代工业的发展,在非常大的程度上取决于模具技术的发展水平。因而,模具行业已经成为国民经济的基础之一。 此设计的课题为齿轮联轴器注塑模设计,把设计模具作为主线,完成了模具产业的加工方法,结构设计,工艺分析,模具装配等一系列模具技术生产的全过程。此设计把我大学生涯中学到的所有课程都融会了进去,比如Office软件、数控编程、机械CAD、机械原理设计等。既把曾今所学的知识温习了一遍,又提高了专业能力。在本次设计过程中得到了陈曼华陈老师的热心帮助和经心指导,在此对她表示衷心的感谢。

第1个回答  2015-05-14
Mould is one of the important equipment is widely used in industrial production, is the electronics, light industry, national defense, machinery and other production of the main base. With a mold to produce parts, has material saving, high efficiency, guarantee quality, low cost, a series of advantages, it is the development direction of modern industrial production process and the main means. Many of the improvement of production and the development of modern industry, in a very large extent, depends on the mould technology development level. Therefore, mould industry has become one of the foundation of the national economy.
This design topic of gear coupling injection mold design, mold design as the main line, finished the processing method of mold industry, structural design, process analysis, die assembly and a series of mold during the process of technology production. This design I learned all the courses of college career to go in, such as Office software, numerical control programming, design, mechanical principle of mechanical CAD, etc. Both went over once had learned knowledge, and improve the professional ability. In the design process Chen Manhua warm-hearted help and individuation guidance teacher, Chen in this to express our heartfelt thanks to her.追问



