
1. 一个人的性格与幼年所受的家庭教育有密切关系,父母的为人处事直接影响孩子的成长。例如孟母三迁的故事。
2. 改变性格往往是通过经历一些刻骨铭心的事件影响。比如高考落榜,许多人在这之后变得一蹶不振,消极悲观,也有一部分人变得勤奋努力。
3. 性格是一种习惯。学习礼仪变得温文尔雅。

第1个回答  2009-12-26
Person's personality formation is a natural or acquired culture?
While the character of a genetic component, but the day after tomorrow the impact of character education is the greatest.
1. A person's character and suffered childhood family education is closely related to the parents will live and lead a direct impact on a child's growth. For example, ¡¡ÃÏĸÈýßwìôÍ story.
2. Changes in personality often through through some unforgettable events. Instance entrance exam and, after that many people become depressed, negative and pessimistic, there are some people become hard work.
3. Character is a habit. Learning to become gentle manners
第2个回答  2009-12-15
Person's personality formation is a natural or acquired culture?
While the character of a genetic component, but the day after tomorrow the impact of character education is the greatest.
1. A person's character and suffered childhood family education is closely related to the parents will live and lead a direct impact on a child's growth. For example, ¡¡ÃÏĸÈýßwìôÍ story.
2. Changes in personality often through through some unforgettable events. Instance entrance exam and, after that many people become depressed, negative and pessimistic, there are some people become hard work.
3. Character is a habit. Learning to become gentle manners.
第3个回答  2009-12-27
Is that people's character takes form innate be still acquired culture's? Although the character has the hereditary factor , the impact of acquired education over character is really maximum's. Home education accepted by 1 once personal character and childhood conduct having close relationship , parents dealing with affairs having direct impact to child's growing up. Meng is for instance female three story moving. That 2 changes a character sometimes is by experiencing a little always remembered in heart as if inscribed on bones event effect. For instance , college entrance examination flunks a competitive examination for school admission , many people becomes behind this remaining passive and pessimistic never to rise again ,also have part of person become making great efforts industriously. 3 characters are one kinds of habit. The etiquette studying becomes cultured in manners.本回答被提问者采纳
第4个回答  2009-12-23
People's character is born or made?
Although have genetic factor, but the influence of the education of personality is the biggest.
A person's character and the youth education is closely related to the family, parents of children mannered directly affect the growth. Example MengMuSanQian story.
2 change character often is to pass through some deep-rooted influence of events. As university entrance exam, many people in the dust, after becoming pessimism, also have become part of the hard work.
3 character is a kind of habit. Learning manners become mildmannered.