

第1个回答  2022-11-16

1. 仿写6年级下册英语第九模块第一单元的第二部分

Han Mei is my good friends. he has changed so much she used to have many hobbles . such as piayed the piano.Watched TV and had conver sations with her friends or teachers . she used to be out going ,too.

However,things begain to change a few years ago . Now .she has some new hobbies.such as she is used to playing tennis, reading book, and hanging out with his parents after dinner. she is taller than she used to .and she has long hair . she bees shy , too.

2. 仿写6年级下册英语第九模块第一单元的第二部分

Han Mei is my good friends. he has changed so much she used to have many hobbles . such as piayed the piano.Watched TV and had conver sations with her friends or teachers . she used to be out going ,too.

However,things begain to change a few years ago . Now .she has some new hobbies.such as she is used to playing tennis, reading book, and hanging out with his parents after dinner. she is taller than she used to .and she has long hair . she bees shy , too.

3. 小学语文六年级第九课续写怎样写


渔夫坚定的对桑娜说:“就算再苦、再累,我也一定要把他们养大,成为栋梁之材!” 从此,渔夫便更加努力的打鱼。无论是狂风骤雨,还是烈日炎炎,他都早出晚归,从不间断。

而桑娜也是一刻不停地在家里工作,有时还趁渔夫和孩子都睡着了,偷偷爬起来帮别人织布,从而补贴家用。 就这样,夫妻俩日益消瘦了很多。


还帮他们俩起了个好听的名字叫柯比和柯恩。 时间一天天过去了,七个孩子也都长大了。


他们为什么不告诉渔夫和桑娜呢?因为他们知道,光是养活他们已经让桑娜和渔夫筋疲力尽,再说五个哥哥姐姐也要上学,他们不能在让桑娜和渔夫操心了。 有一天,柯比对柯恩说:“弟弟,不如我们到集市上去帮别人打工挣钱吧!我听说一年的学费是5美元,等我们挣够了钱就去上学,你说好吗?”柯恩点点头表示同意。

更出乎意料的是桑娜也早就看穿了兄弟俩的心事,但她并没有告诉渔夫,他不想再让渔夫为这个家操心、劳累了。 但是孩子不能不读书啊!于是桑娜便一个人默默的挑起那沉重的担子,没日没夜的工作着,希望尽快能挣到钱让兄弟俩上学。


每擦十双就有2美分的收入。 兄弟俩为此感到很高兴,于是工作时非常卖力。


虽然他们知道这将会是一段漫长而艰辛的历程,但为了不给渔夫和桑娜增加压力,他们不得不这样做。 桑拿每天都忙着织布挣钱,根本没有注意到兄弟俩的变化。




他飞快地跑到柯比和柯恩面前,抱住他们,激动地说:“我可怜的孩子,让你们受苦了,真对不起……”兄弟俩与桑娜拥抱着哭了。 虽然他们很贫穷,但是他们之间的爱是无坚不摧的。


4. 六年级下册英语第五课的后面的作文儿怎么写

Last sunday. I and my father, mother, grandparents, brother went to hutiaoxia

by bus. In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired,it began to rain,My West Lake silk umbrella missed,. Dad said to me,“chenlu, don't do anything halfway.”at last,So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.We were flying kites, I was thirsty, my mother bought me a bottle of water, .finally we went home.finally,Since then, I've kept the umbrella。i was very happy

5. 六年级英语练习册9页 作文

Last Sunday, I went to the zoo with my parents.There I did a lot of things with my parents. First I visited many animals. I saw cute monkeys. They are playing happily.I took lots of photos with the pandas.After that, we had supper in the restaurant in the zoo. I had a happy Sunday.祝你进步哟。

6. 6年级英语练习册9页作文

I went to a *** all town to see my grandmother and grandfather last Sunday.My grandmother and grandfather retired last year.They like to call me every day and like to talk to me on phone. I promosed them that I would go to see them on Sunday one day. They felt happy and told me that they hope that day and stayed with me.Last Sunday, I went to their home. They showed me around the town everywhere,and cooked nice food to me every day. I love them very much!。
