Macbeth 的内容


第1个回答  2022-09-30
睇下以下的资料对你黎讲有冇用啦 ~ 英 : Macbeth is among the best-known of William Shakespeare's plays
and is his shortest tragedy
believed to have been written beeen 1603 and 1606. It is frequently performed at both *** and professional levels
and has been adapted for opera
stage and screen. Often regarded as archetypal
the play tells of the dangers of the lust for power and the betrayal of friends. For the plot Shakespeare drew loosely on the historical account of King Macbet of Scotland by Raphael Holinshed and that by the Scottish philosopher Hector Boece. There are many superstitions centred on the belief the play is somehow "cursed"
and many actors will not mention the name of the play aloud
referring to it instead as "The Scottish play". 网址 : en. *** /wiki/Macbeth 中文 : 《马克白》(Macbeth)是莎士比亚最短的悲剧,也是他最受欢迎的作品。此部作品经常在世界各地的专业和社区剧院上演。 这出戏剧是典型的因权力的渴望而背弃朋友的故事。它大致根据苏格兰哲学家Hector Boece的《苏格兰国王麦克白》而写成。Boece在文中奉承了其赞助人(patron)的祖先苏格兰国王詹姆士六世,也就是詹姆士一世 (英格兰),并且大肆诽谤现实中的的麦克白,一位苏格兰君主。 《麦克白》拥有不少「道德剧」(morality play)的特征。学者因其中支持詹姆士一世掌权,普遍认为它是一出典型地写于Jacobean(詹姆斯一世)时代的戏剧,大概写成于1606年。不少证据显示现有的文字曾被Thomas Middleton修改。Middleton从他自己的剧作The Witch(1615年)加入了不少在原作颇受欢迎的段落,如女巫和Hecate的那一场。这些修改 (整个第三幕第五场,及部分第四幕第一场)一般而言也被收录。 舞台上,因马克白夫人的情绪起伏多变,很多人都认为那是最难演的女性角色之一。 很多演员都认为此剧会带来不幸,因此一般会迷信地称之为「那出苏格兰剧」而不会直呼其名。有时候,剧中主角亦会被称为Mackers与Lady Mackers。在剧院中提起此剧的名字据说会使制作失败,也可能导致演员受伤。 麦克白中,「魔法是否存在」,以及「女巫们是真的未卜先知,还是只操纵了麦克白的思想、使其把邓肯和班柯杀死」,都成为了不少人的疑问。 网址 : zh. *** /wiki/马克白 希望帮到你啦 !~
参考: ***
First written beeen 1611-12; first performed in 1623. Macbeth tells of a man who is deceived by himself and his wife. The play opens with thunder and lightning and the appearance of three witches--supernatural beings. Due to the fact that this is the beginning of the play
the opening Act
it foreshadows the central theme of the play--evil.--Submitted by Shanika. Basically
there are three witches who predict Macbeth's future; it then plays on his mind when the first prediction es true--he bees Thane of Cawdor. Then he would go on to be king. He writes and tells his wife and they were both really excited. When Macbeth gets back to his castle
he and his wife decide that the only way he can bee king is if they kill King Duncan. With power gone to his head
Macbeth slowly starts to 'lose the plot'
as does Lady Macbeth.--Submitted by. Macbeth captures the timeless nature of the human experience....There is greed for power
murderous evil scheming
and the nobility of the fight for good and evil. The tortuous guilty self-flagellation that Macbeth and Lady Macbeth succumb to is such a base human emotion. Without realizing it they are both lost in the depth of the cha *** they willingly stepped into. Those are elements of "a classic" and of course no one questions that Shakespeare's Macbeth
written in 1606
still plays well today.--Submitted by Judy M. 2008-08-02 15:38:31 补充: 舞台上,因马克白夫人的情绪起伏多变,很多人都认为那是最难演的女性角色之一。 很多演员都认为此剧会带来不幸,因此一般会迷信地称之为「那出苏格兰剧」而不会直呼其名。有时候,剧中主角亦会被称为Mackers与Lady Mackers。在剧院中提起此剧的名字据说会使制作失败,也可能导致演员受伤。 麦克白中,「魔法是否存在」,以及「女巫们是真的未卜先知,还是只操纵了麦克白的思想、使其把邓肯和班柯杀死」,都成为了不少人的疑问。
参考: online-literature/shakespeare/macbeth/
zh. *** /wiki/%E9%A6%AC%E5%85%8B%E7%99%BD