

第1个回答  2016-10-06
Amongst all the teachers I've ever had, Dr Patel is the one who has influnced me the most. He is a high school physics teacher, and accomplished his doctoral degree at one of the most prestigious and worldly renowned university, Imperial College London. At school, he is regarded as the most welcomed teacher for his profound knowledge and wisdom. He's always willing to help students no matter what they need. During lessons, he's always able to get the students involved by demostrating interesting experiments or analogies, even if it might be the most boring topic in physics. To be honest, he's made physics such an appealing and amazing subject for me and for others. Putting the quality of his teaching aside temporarily, I think that he is also a content person, because he could've done something so much more influential to the world such as researches and lecturing with his PhD degree , yet he just wanted to become a school teacher. I'd like to be a great person like him.本回答被网友采纳