

假如你是校广播站的播音员,请根据下面表格的提示, 拟一份英语广播稿,通知全校师生。 有关事宜: 如何利用网络进行学习的讲座 主讲人: 北京大学计算机系李京生教授 时间:2005年3月1日,星期三,下午2:30 地点:本校图书楼401室 参加者: 电脑爱好者 说明:讲座结束,参加者可向李教授提出问题 组织者: 校学生会 Dear teachers and schoolmates, May I have your attention please?I have an announcement to make.In order to help us learn more about the Internet,the Students' Union is going to hold a lecture.Professor Li Meng from the Computer Department of Shanxi University will give us a talk on how to learn through the Internet.The lecture will be held on Wednesday,the tenth of January.It begins at 4:30 p.m.in Room 302 of the Library Building. Any computer-lover is welcome to attend the lecture.Please bring your questions in computer learning.Professor Li will spare us some time for questions.Don't forget to be on time.That's all.Thanks for your attention
