英语作文 假如你是学生会长你要通知大家参加一个活动,一百字 要求1时间,地点,人物, 要求2 内容

假如你是学生会长你要通知大家参加一个活动,一百字 要求1时间,地点,人物,
要求2 内容 大概就这样

第1个回答  推荐于2017-07-17
Hello everyone:

I am honored to inform you that we will go to listen a lecture about our school history in the library at 8 PM tomorrow evening. Although some of you may have known small part of history about our shool since she has been the No.1 middle shool in our city, you all must not have known some secret details, which will be revealed when you take part in the lecture, and guess who will be the lecturer, it will give you a big surprise.

Thank you and best regards.

Mike Chairman of students union
