

开头:In our lives, we must face the hardship and failure.
When we in trouble and failing,we must fight with the hadrship and failure then we must say"Never give up" ourselves.
In the world there are many great man and the key to the success is "Never give up"

结尾:I think when you are in trouble and failing, you must never give up.


第1个回答  2010-04-19
开场白就说good morning everyone,I feel great honor to see you.然后就开始讲,不过Failur 和hardship是要用复数形式的。when we ARE in trouble,we must fight with him and say"never give up" to ourselves.这样讲比较流畅些,然后你要加些陈述的话啊小朋友,比如说,life is going to shovel dirt on us,all kinds of dirt.生活会向我们抛来各种土,(在这里当然土是指困难)The trick to getting out of the well is to stop wailing and not let the dirt bury you.我们走出困境的办法就是停止哭喊,不要让困难掩埋你。 each one of our troubles is a stepping_stone,we can get out of the deepeast well just by not stopping.每个困难都是一块垫脚石,只要我们不放弃就能从最苦的困境中出来。你的主题就是不放弃嘛。所以结尾很重要。可以说。so,never giving up!shake it off and take a step up.不要放弃,把困难抖落,向上迈一步。我还可以提供一些句子你可以参考比如说讲可爱一点你可以说open up your heart and let the sunshine in,face the failures with a smile.because smilers never lose!让阳光照进你的心,用微笑面对失败,微笑的人永远不会输,也可以说One more try and you'll reach your goal.希望可以帮到你喔。


第2个回答  2010-04-19
in our life(生活不可数),we can't aviod facing hardship and failure(这样感觉好一点)。
when we are in trouble or fails,we must fight with them and say Never give up.
in the world there are many great men and the key to their success is "Never give up"
in my opinion,if you are stuck in trouble the thing you'd better do is never giving up
第3个回答  2010-04-19
先预祝你取得成功喽。be in trouble !这是个小错误。还有可以定fight from now on 的主题。然后结尾说let us fight together .或者说 i am fighting ,what about you .或者反问一下效果会不错。我参加全国演讲就是这样拿第一的。记着千万要有礼貌。祝你好运
第4个回答  2010-04-19
In this world, everyone has the experience to face the hardtime and failure. What we should do?

Life is made of a lot of tasks. For every task or every step we faced, it could be dificult, it could be hard, it could be well done, and it could be failed. Let me ask you a question, what you should do when it is hard or it is failed?

When I are facing difficulty, choices, and comtest, I decide to fight, and, never never never never give up.

There are many great men in the world, and the key to sucess for them is never never never never give up.

I believe that we must never give up when we are facing difficulty and failure. Let us move on, and fight for our dreams and fight for our future.
第5个回答  2010-04-19

In our daily life we inevitablely face the hardships and failure.

When we are in trouble and failure,we have to fight with them. Then

we must say “never give up”to ourselves.

There are many great man in the world and the key to their success is

“never give up”.

I believe when we are in trouble we must never give up.
