
非常急用><~~ 请英语高手帮忙翻译一下~~~~
一年前的那个暑假,很不幸的,成绩不能够让我去我想要去的大学,我开始上网搜寻可以通过clearing来进入的学校。 不间断的向多个学校发email。 联系了很多学校以后,就开始了漫长的等待。 但是很多学校都只是自动回复。或者还没有消息。 担心很快就到deadline, 所以我又再次开始寻找大学。 这次通过ucas上的list找到了大学a, 同时很幸运的a有很多我所想要学习的科目,不像其他学校,只可以在很少有人问津的科目录取。 a的quick response让我很惊讶,在我发出咨询email的当天下午就给于的最快的回复。 在之后的电话联系中,manager非常耐心,友好,热情,同时给于了我尽可能全面的学校咨询。 很快, 学校通过了我的申请,并且让我最想要去的科目学习。
能去学习我最想要学习的科目,这实在太好了。实际上, 在这种情况下,能选到心仪的科目,简直是不可能。 但是学校a却给了我去学习的机会。实在是完美。 所有的一切都那么人性化,那么关心入微,很幸运我能够在这里进行我的学业。
看可不可以在适当的地方加上‘manager不仅仅细心回答我的问题,并且提供给我一个和我可以用母语对话的工作人员来更清晰的解答我的问题,提供给我信息。对于一个international student来说,这不仅仅是减轻了我的紧张感,反而让我觉得亲切’

第1个回答  2010-08-05
A year ago the summer vacation, unfortunately, not to let me go, I want to go to college, I began to search on the Internet can come into school by clearing. Several schools of uninterrupted to send email. A lot of schools, contact began a long wait. But many schools are automatically reply. Or haven't news. Deadline to worry about soon, so I start again for university. This through the list ucas found university, a very fortunate. I want a study many subjects, like no other schools, only can be avoided in few subjects admit. A: let me surprised momentary 5, I sent in the afternoon consulting email to the fastest in the reply. In the telephone, up very patient, friendly, warm, and bring me the school advisory comprehensive as possible. Soon, the school through my application, and I want to let go of the study subjects.
I want to learn to study subjects, it was good. In fact, in this kind of circumstance, can choose the right course, it is not possible. But the school a gave me the chance to learn. It is perfect. All of humanity, then so concerned about, I was fortunate to be here on my studies.
第2个回答  2010-08-05
A year ago during that summer, unfortunately, the results can not let me go I want to go to college, I started searching online can be clearing to enter the school. Uninterrupted over the school to send email. Contact a lot of school, began the long wait. But many schools have only an automated response. Or still no news. Fear soon to deadline, so I again started looking for universities. The list through ucas found on the University of a, while a very lucky there are many subjects that I want to learn, unlike other schools, only few people is interested in the subjects enrolled. a the quick response I was surprised, in my email the same day issued a consultation in the afternoon gave the fastest response. In the following telephone contacts, manager was very patient, friendly, warm, and give me as much as possible in the comprehensive school counseling. Soon, the school passed my application, and I most want to study subjects.
Able to learn the subjects I most want to learn, this is really great. In fact, in this case, can be elected to the favorite subject, is simply impossible. But the school gave me a chance to learn. It is perfect. Everything is so humane, so concerned about the alleged assaults, I was lucky to be here for my studies.
第3个回答  2010-08-05
A year before the summer holiday. unfortunately, not to let me go and i want to go to university, i began to search the internet by clearing and come into schools. continuous send email to more schools. with many school and started the long wait. but many schools were just an answer. or haven't the news soon. worry about the deadline, so i began to search again, the university.By ucas on the list of the university, has found a very lucky to have a lot of what i want to study the subjects, unlike other schools, can only in very few people is subject to the quick response. a i was surprised when i was out of the email in the afternoon will give the reply. the telephone communications, the manager is very patient, friendly, enthusiastic, and give me as a comprehensive school information.Soon, the school through the application, and i'd like to go to the subjects of study.
To learn i'd like to study the subjects, it was too good. in fact, under such circumstances, can choose to your favorite subject is simply impossible. but the school gave me a chance to learn. it was perfect. all of us so that concern human 入微, it is very luck that i can be here on my studies
