

第1个回答  2022-11-24
问题一:追溯到英文 date from
date back (to……)

问题二:追溯......的来源 用英语怎么说,尽可能全一点,谢谢了 date back to

问题三:这一传统已被追溯到公元十六世纪 用英语怎么说 【翻译】This tradition has been traced back to the 16th century.

问题四:英语翻译:时光追溯到古希腊时代. 英语翻译:时光追溯到古希腊时代.
Time can date back to era of ancient Greek
Time can be back to the era of ancient Greek
Time is able to date back to the times of the ancient Greek
Time can be back to the age/ era/ times/ epoch of the ancient Greek
Time can trace its origins to the era of ancient Greece
date back to
追溯到…, 从…开始
追溯到…; 从…开始
The castle dates back to the 14th century.
The history of the town dates back to the Middle Ages.
1.The progenitor of this class of problems may date back to pre-Greek times. 这类问题的先驱可以追溯到希腊以前的时间。
2. The oldest deposits in the cave date back to 120,000 years ago.
3. The history of hockey can date back to thousands ago.
4. Oxford and Cambridge date back to the thirteenth century.
5. Hungarian regulations concerning industrial designs date back to 1907. 匈牙利立法中有关工业设计的保护可以追溯到1907年。

问题五:追溯到的英语翻译 追溯到用英语怎么说 追溯
traced back

问题六:追溯到,始于可以用英语怎么说 追溯到,始于可以
Back, began in May
Back, began in May

问题七:追溯到英文 date from
date back (to……)

问题八:追溯......的来源 用英语怎么说,尽可能全一点,谢谢了 date back to

问题九:这一传统已被追溯到公元十六世纪 用英语怎么说 【翻译】This tradition has been traced back to the 16th century.

问题十:英语翻译:时光追溯到古希腊时代. 英语翻译:时光追溯到古希腊时代.
Time can date back to era of ancient Greek
Time can be back to the era of ancient Greek
Time is able to date back to the times of the ancient Greek
Time can be back to the age/ era/ times/ epoch of the ancient Greek
Time can trace its origins to the era of ancient Greece
date back to
追溯到…, 从…开始
追溯到…; 从…开始
The castle dates back to the 14th century.
The history of the town dates back to the Middle Ages.
1.The progenitor of this class of problems may date back to pre-Greek times. 这类问题的先驱可以追溯到希腊以前的时间。
2. The oldest deposits in the cave date back to 120,000 years ago.
3. The history of hockey can date back to thousands ago.
4. Oxford and Cambridge date back to the thirteenth century.
5. Hungarian regulations concerning industrial designs date back to 1907. 匈牙利立法中有关工业设计的保护可以追溯到1907年。