

第1个回答  2016-05-26
In Canada, there is no nationwide similar to China's "61" children's day, but each province each city will hold activities for children in different time. These activities are usually named for children's festival or Kid-fest, translated into Chinese, also known as children's day.
Like this year, Toronto children's Day is a 20 day in February 18th, the Vancouver International Children's Day is scheduled from May 27th to June 2nd, the Ottawa International Children's day arrangements in May 29th to June 2nd. Because Canada is an immigrant country, to encourage multi culture, children in children's day always have the opportunity to experience the world's art and cultural characteristics.
The city of Saskatoon where I year is scheduled for June 2, 5, for the children's day, the past few days newspapers on the network can see some of the ads. When the drama, music, dance, acrobatics, crafts show a superb collection of beautiful things. Sa City children's day each year are from the world's largest fertilizer producer PotashCorp PotashCorp title held, scale and the degree of fun are in Canada among the best. May this year is the 25th anniversary of the sake, Department of Canadian Heritage minister, governor of SA Province, mayor of the city of Saskatoon are in the children's Day campaign promotion, hope the children and their families enjoy participating in, happy holidays.
In addition to the fun Children's day, Canada has a political National Day Child (children's day), the time is scheduled for November 20th of each year. The establishment of the National Children's Day is to commemorate the United Nations through the two landmark documents related to children's rights: the declaration of the rights of the child and the Convention on the rights of the child. The basic principles of the Convention are the idea of non discrimination, the maximization of the interests of children, the right to subsistence and development, and the idea of respect for children. Under the Convention, every child in the world should have the most basic right to exist, to develop, to be protected and to participate in the family, culture and social life.
Though the National Children's Day was passed 20 years ago, most Canadians don't know the date. Yesterday I gave my company colleagues Danielle to see the Canadian children's Rights Council website on children's day, she said, "strange, Canada, how there is such a day." She told me this morning that her mother had been in kindergarten for 22 years, and she didn't know that Canada had children's day.
I always think that Canada is a children's paradise, here's living environment, material welfare, education system and medical facilities, are very suitable for children's growth. Did not expect the United Nations Children's fund Canada UNICEF (Canada) on the status of children in Canada is not very satisfied, repeatedly accused the government failed to fully fulfill the "United Nations Convention on the rights of the child".
Sum up, they are not satisfied with the main aspects: compared with other developed countries, higher rates of obesity in children in Canada, government in child health and safety measures at a standstill; by children in a ward of the state, and in juvenile detention center for children ratio is high; discrimination of Aboriginal children still occur, and so on.
In order to make life better for the children in Canada, the United Nations Children's fund will Canada branch in news interview some time ago put forward two suggestions. First, in the children's investment information more transparent, federal, provincial or municipal government should timely publication for children how much money to spend. Second, the establishment of a national children's affairs minister, regularly published reports on the quality of life of children, in a timely manner to improve the need for improvement.
加拿大没有全国范围的类似中国的“六一”儿童节,但每个省每个城市都会在不同的时间举办儿童活动,这些活动一般冠名为Children's Festival或Kid-fest, 翻译成中文,也叫儿童节。 像今年,多伦多儿童节是在2月18日一20日,温哥华国际儿童节定于5月27日至6月2日,渥太华国际儿童节安排在5月29日至6月2日。因为加拿大是个移民国家,鼓励多元文化,孩子们在儿童节时总有机会体验到世界各地的艺术文化特色。 我所在城市萨斯卡通今年定于6月2日-5日为儿童节,这几天网络上报纸上能看到一些广告了。到时戏剧、音乐、舞蹈、杂技、手工艺等节目琳琅满目。萨城儿童节每年都由全球最大化肥生产商加拿大钾肥公司PotashCorp冠名举办,规模与好玩程度都在加拿大名列前茅。可能今年是第25周年的缘故,加拿大文化遗产部部长,萨省省长,萨斯卡通市市长都在为这次儿童节造势推广,希望孩子们与他们的家庭尽情参与,快乐过节。 除了好玩的儿童节,加拿大还有一个带有政治色彩的国家儿童日(National Child Day),时间定于每年的11月20日。国家儿童日的设立,是为了纪念联合国通过的两个与儿童权利相关的里程碑式文件:《儿童权利宣言》和《儿童权利公约》。《公约》的基本原则是无歧视、儿童利益最大化、生存和发展权以及尊重儿童的想法。在公约下,世界的每一个儿童都应该享有最基本的生存权、全面发展权、受保护权和全面参与家庭、文化和社会生活的权利。 尽管国家儿童日20年前就立法通过,但感觉大部分加拿大人都不知道这个日子。昨天我给公司同事Danielle看加拿大儿童权利委员会网站上关于儿童日的介绍,她说,“奇怪,加拿大怎么还有这样的一个日子。”今天早上她又告诉我,她妈妈开办了22年的幼儿园,都不知道加拿大有儿童日。 我一直都觉得加拿大是儿童天堂,这里的生活环境、物质福利、教育体制以及医疗设施,都非常适合儿童成长。没想到联合国儿童基金会加拿大分会(UNICEF Canada)对加拿大儿童的现状不是很满意,多次指责政府未能完全履行《联合国儿童权利公约》的责任。 概括一下,他们不满意的方面主要有:与其他发达国家相比,加拿大儿童的肥胖率较高,政府在儿童健康与安全方面的措施处于停滞状态;受政府监护的儿童以及在青少年拘留中心的儿童比率较高;对原住民儿童的歧视现象仍然发生等。 为了能让加拿大的孩子生活得更好,联合国儿童基金会加拿大分会在前段时间的新闻采访中提出两点建议,第一,在儿童投资方面的信息更透明,联邦、省级或市级政府应该及时公布为儿童花了多少钱。第二,设立一个国家级儿童事务部长,定期公布有关儿童生活质量的报告,及时改进需要改进的方面。