

第1个回答  2016-05-06
My friend has a trouble about study English. He is upset for he works hard this term but make no sense in English. This term he gets three C in four examination. The large stress makes he nearly become broken. Last night he came to me and said he lost the confidence in study. He also said he is a failure and unhopeful person, only death could save him from the stress. He just wanted to say goodbye to me and suiside at midnight. Obviously, I was deeply shocked by this news. I tried to termiate his decision. I telled a story I had ever seen in a America movie.
A man wanted to suiside because he is bankrupt. A angel help him out of suiside and bring him to a world which never existed him. The man found that anything seemed to be relative to him before was now had nothing to do with himself. Some important thing the man had done never existed. In this world, his brother died just because this world didn't exist the man to save his brother's life. His town was controled by a evil person just because this world didn't exist him to resist to the evil person. The man realized how he was important to everyone,to the town,not just to himself. Finally,the man found out his mind and calm down to deal with the tragedy.
Why I telled this sorry just because my friend was similiar to the man in the movie. I wanted my friend could realize his values and cheer up to face to the new life. Be confident with the life and the life would be grateful to him.
Hearing from me,my friend was crying. He said that he was so stupid to ready to do this stupid thing. What the values he had was more important than any exam. He thanked me and promised to me that he would live a better life whatever the trouble was!