

第1个回答  2023-01-25
Spring Festival this year, I and my father and mother went to the countryside to grandma's home for the new year, have the honor to see. Morning fog is very large, the whole field seal tightly, far and far hope trees, crops to have only a vague outline. In vegetable by frost hit the head, as if not a little angry. For a moment, the sun came out. The sun shone through the fog like a sword, in the fields, the trees, the crops. The trees shook the body of enjoying dead twigs and withered leaves, the sun, the energy accumulation in the shoots in early puberty. Vegetables also enjoy sunshine, get rid of the body of the frost, and become so full of vigour. At noon, the fog dispersed. The red lanterns on the orange tree show up. The farmer uncle took the cow to eat the grass. Many children are busy to go to the store to buy fireworks to celebrate the arrival of the spring festival. Is really beautiful ah!

今年春节,我和爸爸妈妈到乡下奶奶家过年,有幸看到了。 早晨,雾很大,把整个田野封得严严实实的,远远望去树木、庄稼都只有一个模糊的轮廓。地里的蔬菜被霜打得耷拉着脑袋,仿佛一点生气都没有了。 一会儿,太阳出来了。阳光像利剑一样穿破浓雾,照耀在田野上、树木上、庄稼上。树木抖抖身上的枯枝败叶,尽情的享受着阳光,把能量聚集在含苞待放的枝芽上。蔬菜也享着阳光,赶走了身上的霜花,又变得那么生机勃勃了。 中午,雾散开了。桔子树上的红灯笼露出来了。农民伯伯把牛都牵出来吃草了。许多小朋友都忙着去商店买礼花来庆祝春节的到来。 真是美不胜收啊!