

第1个回答  2023-07-31



n. 电话;电话机;电话;电话系统。

comp. 电话的;电话机的。

vt. 给…打电话;用电话传送。

vi. 打电话;通电话;电话传送。


answer a telephone接电话、disconnect a telephone切断电话线路,挂断电话、have a telephone有电话、hold the telephone别挂断电话、hook up a telephone安装电话、install a telephone装电话、pick up the telephone拿起听筒、put in a telephone安装电话。

remove a telephone拆除电话、ring off the telephone挂断电话、set up telephone安装电话、sever a telephone切断电话、tap a telephone窃听电话、use the telephone打电话、cordless telephone无绳电话、dial telephone手拨电话、long-distance telephone长途电话。

private telephone私人电话、public telephone公共电话、ship-to-shore telephone海陆联络电话、wireless telephone无线电话、automatic telephone自动电话、newly-installed telephone新安装的电话、telephone book电话号码簿、telephone box公用电话亭。

telephone directory电话号码簿、telephone exchange电话局、telephone number电话号码、telephone operator电话接线员,话务员、telephone set电话机。


1、The telephone roused me from my sleep at 6 a.m.


2、He would spend hours on the telephone.


3、They usually telephone first to see if she's home.


4、His beeper sounded and he picked up the telephone.


5、This model combines a telephone and fax machine.


6、The telephone call came shortly before dinnertime.


7、They were bugging his telephone conversations.


8、On Sunday morning Bill was woken by the telephone.


9、I looked at the telephone,willing it to ring.


10、I was woken(up)by the telephone.


11、Most telephone calls are traceable.


12、Explain why you didn't telephone.


13、He crashed down the telephone receiver.


14、The telephone wires had been cut.


15、I must telephone my parents.

