① 人最宝贵的东西是生命.生命对人来说只有一次.因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不

① 人最宝贵的东西是生命.生命对人来说只有一次.因此,人的一生应当这样度过:当一个人回首往事时,不因虚度年华而悔恨,也不因碌碌无为而羞愧;这样,在他临死的时候,能够说,我把整个生命和全部精力都献给了人生最宝贵的事业——为人类的解放而奋斗。我们必须抓紧时间生活,因为即使是一场暴病或意外都可能终止生命。 ②领袖的逝世没有引起党的队伍涣散。就像一棵大树一样,强有力的将根深深地扎入土壤中,即使削掉树梢,也绝不会因此而凋零。 ③收起枪,别跟任何人说。哪怕,生活无法忍受也要坚持下去,这样的生活才有可能变得有价值。 ④数千人形成一个强大的变压器,形成一种永不枯竭的原动力。 ⑤“不必召开群众大会了,这里没有哪个人需要宣传鼓舞,托卡列夫,你说话很准确,他们确实是无价之宝,钢铁就是这样炼成的!”朱赫来说的。的英语翻译

第1个回答  2015-08-26
(1) are the most precious thing is life. Life for people only once. Therefore, one's life should be spent like this: when a person looking back, don't regret due to idle away one's time, he does not shy away from the mediocre and shame; So, when he was dying, can say, I had devoted the whole life and energy to the life the most precious career - the struggle for human liberation. We must hurry up, because even a diseased or accident may terminate life. (2) the leader's death did not cause the party's team. Just like a big tree, a strong will root deep into the soil, even cut off the trees, and never fade. (3) put a gun, don't tell anyone. Even if, life can't bear to also want to stick to it, such a life is likely to be valuable. (4) thousands of people to form a powerful transformer of motive force formed a kind of never dried up. 5. "don't have to the conference, which people there is no need to promote, topkapi Leo, you speak very accurate, they are priceless, steel is so tempered!" Zhu Helai。
第2个回答  2014-03-29
① 人宝贵东西生命.生命对人来说只有次.因此,人生应当样度过:当人回首往事时,因虚度年华而悔恨,也因碌碌无而羞愧;样,临死时候,能够说,我把整生命和全部精力都献给了人生宝贵事业——人类解放而奋斗我们必须抓紧时间生活因即使场暴病或意外都能终止生命 ②领袖逝世没有引起党队伍涣散像棵大树样强有力根深深地扎入土壤即使削掉树梢也绝会因此而凋零 ③收起枪别跟任何人说哪怕生活无法忍受也要坚持下去样生活才有能变得有价值 ④数千人形成强大变压器形成种永枯竭原动力 ⑤必召开群众大会了里没有哪人需要宣传鼓舞托卡列夫说准确们确实无价之宝钢铁样炼成朱赫来说英语翻译本回答被网友采纳
第3个回答  2014-03-27