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第1个回答  2015-01-09
I will tell you how to play Mahjong.

The first, I will tell you Mahjong has 108 cards. They are divided into three kinds, wanzi, tiaozi and tongzi. And play it need 4 people. Each person has 13 cards, to the end, the winner will have 14 cards.

The game is to collect four melds of three cards and a matched pair. And now, I'll give you to explain what the four melds of three cards. The melds can be either three identical cards, known as a Pung. Or the three cards of one kind marked with consecutive numbers. For example, one tiao, tow tiao, shan tiao are a melds. And three yitiao are a melds, too.

When a player has a complete hand of melds and a pair, he may declare it and show it to the other players.追问

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