

第1个回答  2013-12-06
1.He is running on the playground. 他正在操场上跑步。(v.跑步)2.How to run the machines? 怎样操作这台机器?(v.操作)3.He is going to run a company in the China. 他准备在中国经营一家公司。(v.经营)4.Tears ran down her cheeks . 眼泪顺着她的面颊流了下来。(流,淌;滴)5.The river was beginning to run dry. 河水开始干涸起来 (变(成),变得)5.She ran the car off the road. 她把车开离了道路(驾驶,开)6.They ran the kindergarten extremely well. 他们把幼儿园办得很好(使处(于))7.He is not willing to run the risk of losing his money. 他不愿冒赔钱的风险(.冒(危险)
8.The newspaper ran the review on page four. 报纸把这则评论刊登在第四版上(连续)刊登,刊印
9.The child is running a temperature. 孩子有热度。(发(烧)
第2个回答  2013-12-06
yesterday he ran the first place昨天他跑了第一
第3个回答  2013-12-06
I ran with my friends yesterday