

第1个回答  2022-10-14

Ⅰ 急求以下课程的英文版课程描述!!

应用数学Application Mathematics
马克思主义政治经济学原理Marxist Principles of Political Economy
演讲与口才Speech and Eloquence
申论 我不知道是什么
“思政课”社会实践"Ideological and Political Ecation" social practice,
公文写作,Document Writing,
形势与政策,Situation and Policy
企业管理学Enterprise management.
计算机导论Introction to Computer Science
操作系统Operating system (Linux),
网络数据库技术与应用Neork database technology and applications,
网站开发技术Web site development technology
网络侦查与安全技术Neork detection and security technologies,
局域网组建与维护Local Area Neork and maintenance,
网络安全技术应用Neork security technology,
数据安全与恢复Data security and recovery,
网站规划与工程设计Site planning and engineering design
计算机网络技术Computer Neork Technology,
网页设计Web Design,
Linux组网技术Linux neorking technology,
计算机英语Computer English(有这门课?)
计算机信息的加密与解密Computer encryption and decryption,
计算机辅助设计Computer-aided design,
无线局域网技术Wireless LAN technology,
图形与图像处理Graphics and image processing.

Ⅱ 求安全工程专业的课程的英语翻译!!!!

一线作业安全管理实践 A line operation safety management practices
安全工程专业文献检索 Safety engineering literature retrieval
安全检测技术 Safety test technology
安全经济学 Safety economics
安全生产实习 Safety proction practice
防火与防爆技术 Fire prevention and explosion protection technology
化工设备及其基础 Fire prevention and explosion protection technology
化工仪表及自动化 Chemical instrumentation and automation
就业指导 Employment guidance
特种设备安全技术 Special equipment security technology
危险源识别与安全评价 Hazard identification and safety evaluation
职业卫生 The occupational health

Ⅲ 华南理工大学安全工程的课程详述~

高等数学Ⅱ(华工出的书)、画法几何及机械制图(华工出的书)是重点,英语一学期(上海外语教育出版社)的单词量不多,进来之后会考一次试,分为A B C三个级别的班。
本专业是华南地区最早开办的安全工程本科专业,是以系统论、信息论、控制论为先导,以安全科学为基础,集机械、化工、力学、管理、法学、计算机等综合交叉跨多学科的专业,人才需求量巨大。本专业培养适应于各级 *** 安全生产监督管理部门和大中型企业急需的安全技术及管理的高素质复合型人才。

学生毕业后可到安全生产监督管理局、技术监督局等各级 *** 部门及各类大中型企业、科研院所,从事安全科学研究、安全设计、安全评价与咨询、安全监督与管理、安全教育、安全政法等工作,也可到消防、商检、海关、交通运输、保险理赔等部门工作。


Ⅳ 安全工程专业英语课文翻译


Ⅳ 急求大学的课程介绍的英文翻译。。求准确,可追加悬赏

Mobile munications: this course is a specialty of munications engineering. This course is to introce the basic concepts, basic position, basic principles of mobile munication, basic techniques, a typical system and future development of mobile munications. Students through the course of learning, understanding and development trend of mobile munication systems, and master the basic skills and key technologies of mobile munication. Its aim is to enable students to meet the munications needs of the rapid development of modern society and principles of mobile munication, digital mobile munication system, mobile munication technology and engineering, a more profound understanding of personal munications, mobile munications has a strong theoretical basis of high-level talent.
Professional integrated experimental: munications engineering professional integrated experimental is under this professional training target and set of, this experimental courses of topics design main including munications system and information system, direction, all topics are for prehensive, and design sexual or engineering application type of content, cover has this professional of trunk courses, has must of depth and difficulty, is this professional more door subject of integrated using, training students of actual hands-on operation ability and creative thinking.
Data munications and neorking: the program's mission is to teach the principles of puter neork munication, is based on layered neork model of introcing system, and incorporates the recent development of new technologies. Through the course of learning, for students on puter neorks as a whole, to have a clearer understanding of the current main types of puter neorks and the mon neork protocols have a clear concept of, understand the new developments of new technology, understand basic principles of puter neorks and neork technology for further proct development, maintenance of laying the groundwork.
Digital simulation and *** ysis of munication systems: this course is theory of college undergraates in research carried out on the basis of practice, aimed at developing students ' practical skills and ability. In particular is to allow students to master the CPLD/FPGA chip based on digital munication and the use of VHDL language unit and system modeling and design capabilities, and SystemView sofare and munication system model building process. Further deepened the understanding of the principles of munication systems.
An introction to information security: this course is a specialty of munications engineering. Close integration of curriculum theory and practice, practical, purpose of enabling the students to learn about a more prehensive information security basic theoretical and practical skills, master the basic method for information system security, developing awareness of information security protection, enhanced security capabilities of information systems. Understanding the security threats that exist in modern information systems and preventive measures; study and learn more about the security architecture and models, basic application passwords and password knowledge; identity authentication technology, learning and mastering the basic technology of neork firewall, virus and hacker attack defense techniques, mon system security enhancement technology learn new technologies and development trends of information security.
Embedded system design: embedded systems design course based on ARM embedded microprocessors are about objects, describes the fundamentals of embedded systems and applications. It around the 32-bit ARM processor and open source Linux operating system, about the concept of embedded systems, hardware and sofare ponents, development process and design method of embedded Linux application and driver development. Knowledge for this course will provide the students engaged in the research and development of embedded system in the future and lay a solid foundation
Opto-Electronics: is photon photoelectron technology and electronic technology and the formation of a technical. Main research electronic interaction of light and matter and energy conversion technology, in light of laser, by any means electronic, theoretical models of modern electronics and optics into electronics processing method characteristics, is a new prehensive cross-discipline, has bee a very important part of modern information science. By learning in this course should enable students to basic concepts in Opto-Electronics, basic techniques and basic devices are more prehensive and systematic understanding, develop students ' ability to *** yze and solve engineering problems, for further learning curricula and lay the basis for future work in the field of opto-electronic information.
Operating systems: this course is a theory of munication engineering course, "operating system" is the integral part of a puter system, is responsible for the effective management of the resources in the system and to properly anize various activities, consistent and efficient coordination of the entire puter system, mand puter system up and running. Learning through courses, students in the overall concept of a deep understanding of puter systems based on mastering the basic contents and implementation of the operating system, is engaged in the research and development work in the future to provide the necessary sofare and basic skills.

Ⅵ 安全工程专业都要学些什么

大学学习分两大类: 第一类就是 基础学科(任何专业都要学的) ,像高等数学、物理 等这些工科,当我想起当年的高数时,我还是会感到深深的无力呀。 第二类就是专业学科 ,主要是以将来实践为依托的科目,这些相对来说比较难啦,像什么 安全心理学,安全原理学 ,等等。

再就是讲一下咱专业的 细分板块 ,当我们把专业必须运用到框架知识都学完之后,会根据个意愿选择一下自己的 最终专攻 方向。( 如上图食品安全 ),这些知识都是在基础学原理上的分支展开,并决定你的最终就业去向,还是非常关键的。


Ⅶ 安全工程专业介绍
















相近专业:环境工程 安全工程 灾害防治工程 水质科学与技术 给水排水工程 地下水科学与工程 风能与动力工程 环境科学与工程 城市规划 辐射防护与环境工程


Ⅷ 大学课程英文简介!!急!!真的很急!!

高等数学2A - High Level Mathematics 2A
建筑环境与能源应用工程概论 - Construction Environment and Energy Engineering Technology(省去”概论“用”技术“取代。概论这种东西翻译成英文听起来很像初学者)

大学化学 - Chemistry (省去大学,因为对方已经知道你是大学)
画法几何与工程制图 - Geometry and Technical Drawing
大学英语读写译,大学英语听力,大学英语口语 - Professional English Study (合并这三个科目,并改为”专业英语“,因为国外听力,读书这种事情是小学生做的,你那样写人家反而会觉得很好笑)


Ⅸ 安全工程专业的专科课程

必修课程有:思想道德修养与法律基础、中国近现代史纲要、马克思主义基本原理、 *** 思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论、大学英语、大学计算机基础、C语言程序设计、高等数学、线性代数、概率论与数理统计、大学物理、物理实验等,共54学分。选修课程有:人文社科类模块、经济与管理类模块、学校特色类模块及专业化沟通英语系列模块要求,

Ⅹ 安全工程有那些专业,包括基础课程,这些学科具体讲什么








