
关键词:最值问题 ; 解题方法 ; 最值的应用

第1个回答  2015-01-14
In this paper,
The most value problems generally can be divided into two categories: simply the first kind is the most value in mathematics problems, namely the subject knowledge of pure mathematics problems; The second type is the most value problems in practical application. By mastering some different methods to solve the problem of pure mathematics the most value, when we meet the most value problems in actual life, can flexibly apply learning methods to solve the problem. Simply summarized and summed up the problem solving methods, grasp the most value problem of problem solving method, further understanding the most value problems is widely used in the practical life.
In this paper, a total of three parts. First of all, is the most value problem of simple overview; Second, lists some common method to solve the problem of the most value; Finally, the example about the application of the most value problems in economic field.
This paper tells the story of a variety of the most value problem of problem solving methods, and then illustrate various methods of their thinking, emphasizes the error-prone areas, finally enumerated several about problem solving method application in the field of economy.
This way, not only can be systematically summing up and summarizing the most value problem of the problem solving method, can also improve my professional knowledge is applied by the practical problems. In addition, there is conducive to cultivate our ability to apply the learned knowledge to solve practical problems, improve our understanding of mathematics knowledge application universality, help us to learn to use contact and development ideas to deal with the most value problems encountered in the actual life.
关键词:最值问题 ; 解题方法 ; 最值的应用
Key words: the most value problems; The problem solving method; The application of the value