

关键词:南通 蓝印花布 市场推广

第1个回答  2013-12-11
Study on T of Nantong blue printed cloth market promotion
Nantong is the key area of national research and development and production of blue calico, known as the Chinese blue calico. Nantong blue calico has preserved the manufacture craft and art style of traditional blue printed cloth,and there remains a large amount of, is the key area of national research,development, production and transmission of folk blue printed cloth. This article from the Nantong blue calico distribution, production and marketsituation, this paper analyzes the present situation of Nantong blue printed cloth market promotion, to understand the Nantong blue calico marketing inmarketing theory to guide, brand influence is not enough, lack of promotion strategies aiming at the problem of weak, finally using the relevant principles of Economics on the characteristics of Nantong blue calico the market promotion of improved products, price, channel, from areas such as marketing, have proposed the establishment of blue calico Institute, cultivate high-levelsuccessors, set up a special marketing department, a powerful advertising and other constructive opinion.
Keywords: Nantong blue calico marketing
第2个回答  2013-12-11
Nantong blue calico marketing research
In this paper,
Nantong is the focus of the national research and development and production of folk blue printed area, known as the hometown of Chinese blue calico. Nantong blue calico is well preserved the traditional blue print craft and artistic style, and have a lot of physical remains, is the research, development, production, and the key area of inheriting folk blue calico. From nantong blue calico distribution, production and sales market situation, to the current situation of nantong blue calico marketing was analyzed, and the understanding to the nantong blue calico exist in the market marketing theory to guide, the lack of brand influence, such problems as promotion strategy targeted, finally using the principle of economics related to the characteristics of nantong blue calico marketing from product, price, channel, promotion, etc was improved, proposed the establishment of blue calico institute, cultivate a high level of inheritance, forcefully to establish a Marketing Department, the constructive Suggestions such as advertising.

Keywords: nantong blue calico marketing