
Evaluation of different doses of Achook (1500 ppm azadirachtin EC) against
Meloidogyne incognita (RKN‐Mi) infecting okra (Abelmoschus esculentus
Moench.) was undertaken under net house and open‐field conditions. Re‐
sults of pot (10cm dia) experiment showed that soil drenching of Achook and
Achook A1 (contains sesame oil) at higher dosage (≥10litre/ha) showed re‐
duced root galling, greater suppression of final soil nematode (J2) population
and increased shoot height of okra. The single drenching of Achook and
Achook A1 at 5 litre/ha at 15 days after sowing (DAS) immediately after ap‐
pearance of first gall was also quite effective for managing the RKN‐Mi on
okra. Results from open‐field testing of Achook EC showed efficacy to control
RKN‐Mi. The Achook and Achook A1 formulations at 5 litre/ha as single appli‐
cation after with the appearance of first gall was found to be most effective
for reduction of root galling, soil nematode population (63 to 67%), increas‐
ing shoot height and improving (20 to 23%) fruit yield of okra. Further, at all
dosages both formulations showed nematode control efficacy and enhance‐
ment of crop yield. The Achook A1 was found to be more effective (38%
more yield) than soil application of carbofuran 2kg a.i./ha and neem cake at
1000kg/ha. Considering incremental cost benefit ratio (ICBR), the Achook
(ICBR~4.23) and Achook1 (ICBR~4.03) at 5 litre/ha as a single soil drench with
the appearance of root galling in okra was found to be the most economical.
This was followed by Achook1 at 2.5 litre /ha as soil drench twice (7 DAS and
30 days after first drench) and Achook A1 5litre and 10litre/ha. The Achook
A1 was found to be relatively more effective than that of carbofuran at 2kg
a.i./ha and neem cake at 1000kg/ha.

第1个回答  2018-03-19
在网室和露天条件下进行不同剂量的Achook(1500ppm印苦楝子素EC)对南方根结线虫(RKN-Mi)感染秋葵(Abelmoschus esculentus Moench。)的评价。盆栽(直径10cm)试验表明,较高剂量(≥10litre/ ha)的Achook和Achook A1(含有芝麻油)的土壤浸湿表现出减少的根部磨损,对最终土壤线虫(J2)种群的更大抑制并增加了秋葵的苗高。第一次播种后立即播种(DAS)后第15天,Achook和Achook A1以5升/公顷单次灌溉对于管理秋葵上的RKN-Mi也是非常有效的。来自Achook EC的旷场测试的结果显示了控制RKN-Mi的功效。 Achook和Achook A1配方以5升/公顷的单次施用量在出现第一次gall后被发现对于减少根部泥ing,土壤线虫群体(63-67%),增加苗高和改善(20-23%)秋葵的果实产量。此外,在所有剂量下,两种制剂均显示线虫防治效果和增加作物产量。发现Achook A1比土壤施用呋喃丹2kg a.i./ha和楝树蛋糕1000kg / ha更有效(产率增加38%)。考虑到增加的成本效益比(ICBR),以5升/公顷为单位的Achook(ICBR〜4.23)和Achook1(ICBR〜4.03)作为单一土壤淋溶液并且在秋葵中出现根部磨损是最经济的。接下来是Achook1,2.5升/公顷,土壤灌溉两次(7次DAS和第一次灌溉后30天)和Achook A15μl和10μl/ ha。发现Achook A1比2kg a.i./ha呋喃呋喃和1000kg / ha的楝树蛋糕更有效。