把下列句子两句并一句用who which 之类的

9.The house is Tom’s. Its door faces south.
10.The house is Tom’s. The door of the house faces south.
11.Workers built shelters for the survivors. Their homes had been destroyed.
12.Workers built shelters for the survivors. The homes of them had been destroyed.
13.Tom has a gold watch. Its hands are made of diamond.
14.He has two sons, and both of them are teachers.
16.There is a beautiful house, and in front of it sits a little girl.
18.We have no money. We buy food with money.
22.I will never forget the day. I spent it with you last summer.
23.I will never forget the day, and on that day I joined the army.

第1个回答  2015-03-01
9.The house whose door faces southis Tom’s..
10.The house The door of which faces southis Tom’s. .
11.Workers built shelters for the survivors whose homes had been destroyed.
12.Workers built shelters for the survivors the homes of whom had been destroyed.
13.Tom has a gold watch whose hands are made of diamond.
14.He has two sons, both of whom are teachers.
16.There is a beautiful house, in front of which sits a little girl.
18.We have no money with which we buy food .
22.I will never forget the day which/that I spent with you last summer.
23.I will never forget the day, on which I joined the army.本回答被提问者采纳