

第1个回答  2024-04-20
Your friend is as patient with the elderly as you are. Your girlfriend is a saint for putting up with you. She really has a lot of patience to tolerate me. With patience, successful breeding of this species can be achieved. Patience is key to successfully cultivating this species. He was infinitely kind and patient with children. He always treated children with great kindness and patience.
Terms like translation, version, and paraphrase all relate to the concept of translating or interpreting text.
1. Translation is a general term that refers to the act of converting text from one language to another.
2. Version can be used interchangeably with translation, often referring to a particular rendition or interpretation of a work.
3. Paraphrase refers to a more自由 interpretation that may deviate from the original text, focusing on conveying the meaning. It typically involves explaining complex sentences or passages in a simpler manner using the same language.