彩虹骑士Season 2


第1个回答  2024-05-30

Season 2 of Rainbow Knights has introduced a wealth of new content, expanding the game's scope significantly. A new map interface has been added, allowing players to explore beyond just battle modes, with engaging storylines incorporated into the map design, keeping gameplay fresh and varied.

The map is divided into four distinct continents:

    Bellemercia, which includes:

      Enchanted Forest, White Tower,斯坦城墙, and more.
      Angry Ant Forest, Skeleton Warrior City, and other challenging zones.

    Eira, featuring:

      Barazi Sea, Thousand-Hand Rocks, and the city of Kachays.

    Saint Realm with:

      Sanctuary集结区, Nether Temple, and more.

    Platinum Continent, home to:

      Bitter Ant Forest, and more to come.

Season 3 marked a change in systems, removing some from Season 2 and introducing a Monster Card system, featuring the character Magician Engineer,玛琳。 Notably, the道具 system underwent a revamp with new rarity levels and镶嵌功能. Players can now customize equipment with unique abilities by combining cards and equipment.

In Season 4, adjustments were made to:

    Titles, reflecting map progression and difficulty.
    Prop drop locations, adapting to map changes.
    Map rewards, with color-coding based on player and level differences.
    The crafting system was updated, allowing players to craft new items from collected materials.
    Monster cards were re-balanced to better align with the new world map.
    Experience requirements were adjusted for faster leveling.
    Skills became simpler, with skill points automatically awarded upon leveling.
    Players can see immediate rewards for leveling up during gameplay.