

第1个回答  2023-08-28

你喜欢小狗吗用英语说是Do you like puppies


1、小狗可爱。The dog is cute.我是一只小狗。I'm a puppy

2、这是小狗。This is a puppy.一只小狗在睡觉。A little dog is sleeping

3、桌子下有一个小狗。There is a little dog under the table.

4、我的妈妈喜欢小狗。My mother likes dogs.有一只小狗在桌子下面There is a little dog under the table.我想养一只小狗。I want to have a puppy.

5、你喜欢小狗吗。Do you like dogs.小狗在床底下。The dog is under the bed.

6、Their lively puppy frisks all over the house.他们的小狗在屋里到处欢快地蹦跳。

7、The big dog walked past the little dog with scorn.大狗趾高气昂地走过小狗身边。

8、The puppy chewed a hole in the slipper.小狗在拖鞋上啃了一个洞。

9、A playful puppy.顽皮的小狗。The puppy gave a yap.小狗叫了一声。

10、A puppy dog.小狗。Look, a litter of pups!看呐,一窝小狗!

11、I had a kit and a pup in my childhood.我童年时候曾有一只小猫和一只小狗。

12、They felt for it in the darkness like pups licking the wounds of their mother.