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The shipping date of this order had been confirmed in Dec.
M compay you appointed said ok.
But today we were informed that M can not arrange track driver on Jan 24 for the shipping date meets Chinese New Year.
Pls reply if we can change the forwarder.
第2个回答  2014-01-17
This ticket goods shipment December booked, at your appointed forwarder company M said no problem but today received an emergency call, M in January 24th, can not find the container truck drivers (because this shipment date of shipment is China during the Spring Festival) is can take other freight?
We are looking forward to your reply
第3个回答  2014-01-17
Schedule of December this consignment on booked, M was forwarding company also said that you specify no problem However, today received an emergency phone call, M Company on January 24 could not find the truck driver loaded containers (departuredate because this consignment was during Chinese New Year) I ask whether you can switch to other freight?
第4个回答  2014-01-17
we have booked this batch of freight in December, the forwarder M company you assigned didn't say any problems. But we got an urgent call from M company that they could not find out the drivers for container trucks on Jan 24 (becasue the delivery time is during Chinese Spring Festival), we would like to know if we can change the forwarder?
your quick reply will be much appreciated.本回答被提问者采纳