but then造句


第1个回答  2022-11-09

but then造句如下:

It's easy ,but I always need a lot of reason to convince myself , then go the first step carefully .

It's wonderful but not right ,and then we have to redo it once again .虽然这很精彩但却是错的,而我们等下还要重做过.
The flower was quite beautifull but not true , the boy was disappointed to find a true one . 虽然那朵花很漂亮,但却是假花,男孩只能遗憾地去找一朵真的了.

The hall was dry when we entered, but it then began to rain.当我们进入之后,发现这个大厅是干燥的,但是之后开始下雨。
