

第1个回答  2024-05-26
1. 春节:The Spring Festival
2. 元宵节:Lantern Festival
3. 头牙:This term seems to be a typo or a misunderstanding. The correct term is "Towel Festival" or "Ghost Festival," which falls on the 15th day of the seventh lunar month.
4. 寒食节:Cold Food Festival
5. 清明节:Tomb-sweeping Day
6. 端午节:Dragon Boat Festival
7. 七夕节:Double Seventh Festival
8. 中元节:Hungry Ghost Festival
9. 中秋节:Mid-Autumn Festival
10. 重阳节:Double Ninth Festival
11. 冬至:Winter Solstice
12. 腊八节:Laba Festival
13. 祭灶节:This term is often referred to as "Stove God Festival" or simply as part of the Laba Festival celebrations.
14. 除夕:New Year's Eve