

第1个回答  2022-11-19
问题一:奖状用英语怎么说 奖状 diploma

问题二:奖状用英文怎么说? certificate
一般“奖状”就用 “certificate”就锭以了,表示证书的意思。在句子中可表示为“XX证书”,例如:certificate of first prize 一等奖证书,certificate of merit 表示:“功绩证书”,一般译成“奖状”.

问题三:“奖状”这个词用英语怎么说 怎么读我不能帮你,不过奖状可以是award。

问题四:“我得过很多奖状和证书”用英语怎么说 I won a lot of awards and certificates

问题五:求奖状的英文翻译 xx同学:在2006至2007学年度小学六年级艺术特长生考核认定中,被认定为钢琴专业特长生。特发此证 天津市和平区教育局
Student XX: in the 2006 to 2007 school year, the sixth grade primary school art students asses *** ent, were identified as piano specialty students. Idiopathic this cardPeace District Education Bureau of Tianjin city
xx:你参加中国轻音乐学会举办的2005少儿钢琴、电子琴比赛,成绩优秀,荣获“演奏奖”。 特发此证 中国轻音乐学会
XX: you participated in the Chinese Music Society held the 2005 children's piano, electric piano petition,achievement is outstandin场, won the performance award. Idiopathic this card China Light Music Society

问题六:荣誉证书,用英文怎么说 certificate of honors

问题七:荣获优秀学员 用英语怎么写,写奖状用 荣获优秀学员
Won the outstanding students

问题八:荣获优秀学员用英语怎么写,写奖状用 荣获优秀学员_有道翻译
Won the outstanding students