商务英语口语对话 场景4:Memos备忘录


第1个回答  2022-10-23
Four. Memos
Dialogue 1
A:I have been waiting here in the conference room for ten minutes already
what time is the meeting start? where is anyone anyway?
B:Didn't you hear about that
our meeting was postponed until Friday.
A: What? the meeting was postponed? No one told me anything about it.
B: Did you get the memo?
A: What memo? They havn't any memo this whole week
I check my inbox every I havn't seen anything.
B: The memo went out 3 days ago. It should have made to your inbox
but maybe lost in all collectors on your desk.
A: You know how things get pilot about my desk when I'm busy. I know sometimes I do many please things
but I always read all the memos go arround
they go directly to my inbox. Are you sure were send to whole office?
B: It should have got arround to every body
they also post a copy of the memo in the break room. Don't you ever look at meassages post on the bulletin board?
A: I'm usually too busy to take a bunch of cofee break by the watercooler
I'm sure the memo never get to my inbox
I'll have to talk our secretary about it.
B. That's right
You will never know what your missing out of it if you don't read the memos.
Dialogue 2
A: Ms. Dorsen
I need to take a dictation for me

B: Yes
A: They should go out intra office memorandum to all employee by this afternoon
are you ready?
B: Yes
Go ahead.
A: Attention all staff:effective immediately
all office munication are restricted to email correspondance as official memos
the use of instance message pram by employee during work hour are strictly prohibited.
B: Sir
Does this apply to intra office munication only or relate also restrict external munications?
A: It should apply to all munications. Not only in this office beeen employees
but also any outside munciations.
B: But sir
many employees use instance messaging to muncate with clients.
A: This were just have to change the munication methods
I don't want any one use instance messaging in this office
it waste too much time. Now
continue the memos. Where were we?
B: This apply to internal and external munications.
A: Yes
any employee who persist using instance messaging
will first recieve a warning
and placed on prohibition
and the second sense
the employment will be termination. Any question regarding this new policy maybe dirctly to the department of his.
B: Is that all?
A: Yes
please give this memo type out and distribute to all employees before 4:00 PM.
