TPO 24 听力Conversation第2篇 第1题Why does the student go to speak with the professor?为什么答案是

Why does the student go to speak with the professor?A. To discuss material that might be on the final exam.B. To review his answers to the midterm exam.C. To get information about a class he missed.D. To find out about the services of the tutoring center.

第1个回答  2015-06-02
Student:I have a question about the final exam. I mean, will it cover everything we've done all term? Or just what we've been doing since the mid-term exam. 学生说关于期末考试的内容还有疑问,所以学生来找教授的目的是为了了解期末考试的具体内容。所以 A 选项正确。