we can no longer afford to consider water a virtually free resource of which

We can no longer afford to consider water a virtually free resource of which we
can use as much as we like in any way we want.
这句话里为什么water后面直接加 a virtually free blablablabla

第1个回答  2014-02-25
1. consider + 名词/代词(作宾语) + 名词(作宾语补足语)。例如:
They all consider the boy a little hero. 他们都认为这孩子是位小英雄。
The students consider him a good teacher. 学生们认为他是个好老师。
2. consider + 名词/代词(作宾语) + 形容词(作宾语补足语)。例如:
Do you consider him honest? 你认为他诚实吗?
I consider the report false. 我认为这则报道是不真实的。
I consider him ( to be ) a fool. 我认为他是个傻瓜。
They consider it ( to be) helpful. 他们认为它是有帮助的。
3. consider + 名词/代词(作宾语) + 动词不定式(作宾语补足语)。例如:
They considered me to be in my thirties at first. 他们起初认为我30多岁。
We considered her to be writing the novel last year. 我们认为她去年在写这部小说。
She considered the machines to have been repaired. 她认为那些机器已被修好了。
I consider him to have done his best. 我认为他已经尽了最大努力。
4. consider + it(作形式宾语) + 名词/形容词(作宾语补足语) + 动词不定式(作真正宾语)。例如:
I consider it necessary to telephone her. 我认为有必要给她打个电话。
Jenny considers it a great pleasure to work with Tom. 詹妮认为跟汤姆一起工作很愉快。
5. consider + 从句(作宾语)。例如:
The young man considered he was a wise man. 那个年轻人认为他是睿智的人
