
Hi! Thanks for your mail! We can maybe be friends. My Name is christer.Im frome sweden. Im 43 years old. I have ywo children,girls. They live with there mother. But i see them often and help to suport them. 6 Month ago i made an operation in my heart somthing wrong from my birth.
I spend three weeks at hospital. But im ok now. But im have still not start to work yet. i live on my union insuriens.No problem for me. I send you some pitcures of me.
And maybe you will be my friend. christer.

第1个回答  2006-11-19
第2个回答  2006-11-19
第3个回答  2006-11-19
嗨,感谢你的电子邮件。我们或许会成为朋友。我的名字叫XXX,来自瑞士,今年43岁,有2个女儿,她们和她们的妈妈一起生活。但是我会经常看她们而且供养她们。6个月前因为遗传的心脏病我做了手术,我在医院呆了3周,但是我现在康复了。但还是不能工作。我有自己的生活方式。对我来说没有问题。我给你发送了我的照片,或许你会成为我的好朋友 XXX,本回答被提问者采纳