

第1个回答  2013-11-29

人人节约用水个个珍惜和保护水资源,还我们一个绿树成荫.鸟语花香.河水清清 . 鱼儿欢畅的美好生活环境吧!

"Water is the source of life, we have to protect every drop of water." This sentence was right, if there is no water, the earth will be dry; If there is no water, we humans could die of thirst; If there is no water, they Without our beautiful world. We should cherish every drop of water, cherish every tear of Mother Earth. In order to protect water resources, I would like to propose the following suggestions:
1. Make full use of water resources, is not wasted.
2. Do not waste water, garbage into the river, lake, river, ditch.
3. Do not wash dirty clothes in the gutter.
4. To the people around propaganda "to protect water resources."
Water is the cradle of life, is anything biological survival. People ah, do not just keep on request, rather than know how to cherish, even pollution and destruction.
Everyone conserve water and protect water resources all cherish, but also one of our tree-lined. Flowers. River clear. Joyous better living environment for the fish it!